“I met an extraterrestrial visitor who is quite powerful!”

“Anyway, please treat them quickly. The injuries of the two shadows are very serious. Don’t let them suffer any diseases!”

 Natsume Yang didn't want to say more, Shizune also knew that there were some things that she couldn't touch if she told them, so she quickly called the medical ninja to carry Naruto and the others in.

“Natsume Shio, the enemy’s next target is likely to be the medical class!”

“You have a strong sense of perception, so be more careful and don’t let the enemy sneak in, you know!” Natsume Yang instructed.

 “Understood!” Natsume Chao showed a bellicose smile.

 He became famous in one battle among the coalition forces!

 A few hours ago, he broke into the Bai Jue base camp alone, rescued eight children from Yunyin Village, and led them to successfully break out of the encirclement under the pursuit of a thousand Bai Jue.

Won the favor of many ninjas of Yunyin Village, and narrowed the distance between Yangyin Village and Yunyin Village.

“Of course, since both shadows are here, I will also leave a clone behind!”

“The coalition headquarters is probably a little worried. We need to give them a shot in the arm!”

 After saying that, I saw Natsume Yang waving his hand, and a clone appeared in front of Natsume Chao, and then he left.

 In secret!

“Who is that guy? People like Uchiha Madara are completely powerless to fight back!”

"But such a powerful person is no match for Natsume Yang. Is there really any hope for our war?"

 Before seeing Otsutsuki Momoshiki's strength, Yakushi Kabuto was full of confidence.

 With the army of the Reincarnation of the Earth, he felt that there were not many people in the entire ninja world who could fight against them.

Coupled with a strong man like Madara Uchiha, and the cooperation of the nine tailed beasts to resurrect the ten tails, it is not difficult to complete their Eye of the Moon plan.

 But now, he is beginning to doubt!

  In front of Natsume Yang, as strong as a shadow, he is nothing more than cannon fodder.

 Maybe even if the Ten-Tails is resurrected, he may not be Natsume Yang’s opponent. What’s more, Natsume Yang will not watch them resurrect the Ten-Tails.

 “However, things have reached this point and there is no turning back!”

“It’s just in time to take advantage of Natsume Yang’s serious injury and quickly cut through the mess, otherwise, everything will really stop here.”

 Yakushi Kabuto once again prepared a sacrifice, activated the Earth Reincarnation, and channeled Madara Uchiha again.

“Hurry up and implement the plan now. Natsume Yang is a troublesome existence. Only with the possession of the Ten-Tails can I have the confidence to compete with him. Don’t delay!”

“That guy’s current strength has exceeded our imagination. Coupled with those ninja coalition forces, our plan may be ruined!”

For the first time, Uchiha Madara did not look down upon everything and be arrogant, but looked at Yakushi Kabuto with a solemn expression, giving in for the first time.

 “Haha, it’s rare to see you in this state!”

"However, you and I happened to have the same idea. If we don't take advantage of this opportunity, we may really have no chance!"

Yakushi Kabuto glanced at Uchiha Madara and showed an inexplicable smile.

 Then, he quickly contacted Obito Uchiha on the battlefield, explained the matter, and asked him to speed up the plan.

 “This guy is so strong, how is it possible?” After hearing the news, Uchiha Obito was stunned.

Especially when I heard that Uchiha Madara, who had always been arrogant, was scared this time.

Although Uchiha Obito wanted to laugh, he had to admit that if he were Uchiha Madara, he would have a similar reaction to this situation.

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