In the forest!

 “Gaara, wake up!”

Naruto, the iron-headed boy, with the help of the toad boss, hit Gaara's head with one strike in the air, achieving this shocking collision and awakening Gaara from his sleep state. Come, let him regain his human form.

 “Why…you must save…me at the cost of your life!”

Looking at Naruto, who was covered in injuries and still struggling to crawl towards him, Gaara was shocked for the first time and shouted in confusion.

"Because... I see the desire in your eyes... I am just like you... I am also hated by others... but I... now have a bond... There is a man... who once gave me... warmth... I will not allow... you to block it my heart..."

 "Gaara...go and bravely look for you...the companions that your heart longs for...they are all waiting for you!"

I have to say that although it is poisonous chicken soup, when it comes from Naruto's mouth, the effect is different.

" are indeed...different...Uzumaki...Naruto!"

Gaara thought this in his heart, and then passed out.

 Other places in Konoha!

 After all the residents had completely entered the shelter, Konoha's high-level combat forces and mid-level combat forces began to counterattack!

Hinata, Nara, Yamazaka, Akimichi... and other families led their own clansmen to eliminate them in a planned and targeted manner to destroy the Arrancar!

 A group of ANBU, led by Kakashi who was familiar with ANBU operations, gradually gained the upper hand in the battle with the Sand Ninja.

Whether it is Metkai, Kakashi, Sarutobi Asuma, or Yuhi Kurenai, they are all elites among the jounin, but the sand ninja only has one maki, and the lack of team leader strength has seriously affected the morale of the people below. .

 Konoha Border!




"As expected of the Sannin Jiraiya, he is so powerful!" Lanying gasped heavily, her cold face was covered with sweat, her sleeves had burn marks, and her hair was completely soaked and stuck to her delicate body. On the face.

"Hahaha, you are not a bad little girl. You have been able to fight with me for so long without losing. There are not many in the ninja world. Your escaping skills are really hard to guard against!"

Jiraiya also looked at Lanying in amazement and did not hesitate to praise him.

"Do you want to continue the fight? If you continue, I will no longer be merciful. You must know that you, Sunagakure, have no chance of victory!"

“Until the last minute, no one knows what the final result will be. We finally have such an opportunity. Do you think we will be persuaded to give up by just one word from you?”

 Lanying is not a person who gives up easily, not to mention that the situation is not necessarily certain now? The Fourth Kazekage plus Orochimaru, how can the Third Hokage fight against him alone.

"Don't give up until the last moment? I have to say that your persistence to the end is good. However, your Fourth Kazekage died in the battle, Orochimaru has escaped, and Otogakure Village is already on the way to retreat! "

“Can Sunagakure Village really be able to fight against Konoha Village with the strength of Sunagakure Village alone?”

At this time, a young voice came from not far away from the two of them.

"How can it be!"

The two of them followed the sound and saw Natsume Yangshi sitting cross-legged and looking at Jiraiya and Lanying.

Seeing a hint of joy flash in Jiraiya's eyes, Natsume Yang struck directly: "Of course, the Third Hokage was also killed in the battle!"

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