The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 688: I'm afraid it's useless

"not good!"

Seeing this scene, Nara Shikamaru couldn't help but screamed something bad. He was about to dodge, but suddenly found that his feet could not move. When he looked down, he was actually frozen.

 “It’s time for you to admit defeat!”

At this moment, Shiro's voice sounded from behind Nara Shikamaru, and the cold kunai pressed against Nara Shikamaru's neck, making him dare not move any more.

 “White, victory!” Moonlight Swift Wind announced the result of the battle.

 At this point, the knockout round ends. Twelve people passed!

 Among them, there are six from Yangyin Village, two from Sunagakure Village, and four from Konoha!

 Hence, the pass rate of all members of Yangyin Village immediately aroused everyone's vigilance and attention.

None of these six people have used their strength, and there is a **** ninja in the world.

 The next exam will be held in a week. Basically, all the participating teams will not leave. After all, it is always good to see the strong ones.

 In the lounge!

“Get ready, the battle in a week will not be so easy!”

Looking at the six people in front of him, Xia Muyang ordered.

"Understood!" The six people nodded. Even if Natsume Yang didn't say anything, they would pay attention.

 Another place, Sunagakure Village!

“Lan Ying, are you all set up? This plan is of great importance and there must be no mistakes!”

Luo Sha asked as she looked at the cold female ninja Lan Ying in front of her.

“Everything is ready, all we need is the east wind! As long as Natsume Yang doesn’t interfere, there will definitely be no problem!”

Lanying glanced at Luo Sha and said expressionlessly.

“There’s no need to worry about this. Natsume Yang is in a hostile relationship with the Leaf Village. If he doesn’t help us, the Third Hokage will already be in trouble. He has no reason to stop us!”

"Maybe!" Lan Ying said in a low voice and walked out. Luo Sha looked at Lan Ying's leaving figure, and a glimmer of light flashed in her eyes.

Luo Sha didn’t know that his life was short!

On this day, Naruto met a peeping tom in Konoha Village who was peeping into the women's bathroom, and then he exposed it very angrily!

After a furious pursuit, this lustful sage that Naruto spoke of easily defeated a special Jonin like Ebisu, and Naruto immediately looked at him with admiration.

 Naruto and Jiraiya officially met.

Then, after some hard work, Jiraiya gave in to Naruto's "seduction technique" and began to guide Naruto in his practice.

Sasuke, who felt that his strength was insufficient, also began the intensive training of Chidori under the leadership of Kakashi.

 During this period, Sand Hidden Village and Otogakure Village have slowly deployed their troops. Of course, they didn't know that the Fourth Kazekage had been killed.

 Everything is developing in the established direction.

 Time passed slowly like this for six days.

 At Konoha Medical Center!

"This child's injuries are too serious. He may not be able to continue to be a ninja in the future!" The medical ninja said this and gave Rock Lee a thunderbolt from the blue sky.

"Is there really no other way?" Metkai asked unwillingly. Xiao Li's life has just begun, how could he stop here.

"Yes, there is, but those two methods are not very realistic..." said the medical ninja.

"What is it!" Hearing the hope raised by the medical ninja, Metkai immediately asked. Even if there was a little hope, he would try to see if it was true.

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