“In these years, the Kingdom of Yang has failed everyone!”

Natsume Yang bowed again, and the place became quiet again. There was no sound except the sounds of the ministers gritting their teeth.

"With so many people dead, maybe everyone thinks this 'farce' should end!" Natsume Yang straightened up and said again.

  All the ministers looked over, all frightened and looked at the dozen scrolls beside him.

There might be their names on it.

 When a big name has great power, great strength, and a large number of reserve talents, then their fate will be theirs. It is no longer their own.

All the ministers present now understood why the first thing Xia Muyang did after becoming the regent was to recruit talents. Moreover, none of the important officials in those countries were killed.

 The purpose is to cope with today's situation.

“Minister of War, tell me, if such a big thing happened, you should not bear some responsibility!”

Xia Muyang reached out and grabbed a scroll, and all the ministers couldn't help but feel their hearts trembling. The originally full queue now had many empty seats.

  When Xia Muyang called out his name, the Minister of War collapsed directly to the ground. At this moment, the eyes of the 40,000 soldiers on the field looked over at the same time.

"Spare my life! Lord Regent, I know I was wrong. Let me live. I really know I was wrong!"

The Minister of War did not want to die, so he kowtowed to the ground like pounding garlic, and his head was bleeding immediately.

 It’s not surprising that he was like this. Xia Muyang’s thunderous tactics just now really scared them. Among them, there were many who had made contributions, but they were not killed because of greed and neglect of duty.

"Okay, Minister of War. After all, you are also the Minister of War of one of the six great powers in the ninja world. You are the one who controls the fate of millions of people in the Country of Sun. Save some face for yourself. Besides, I didn't say I wanted to kill you. !”

 The last sentence, this is the key point. The Minister of War suddenly raised his head, and he couldn't help but feel like he was surviving a disaster.

"You don't have to look at me like this. You can avoid the death penalty, but you can't escape the living penalty! During your tenure, you have handled things with moderation and well-organized. The Kingdom of Yang has opened and expanded its territory many times and it has been running smoothly. It shows that your ability is not bad, and Don’t strive for credit, don’t be arrogant!”

"You are now dismissed from the position of Minister of War. You will serve as a member of the Eastern Army and guard the border. If you perform well, you may return to Daming City at your discretion until your official position is restored. You may be willing!"

If before, Xia Muyang gave these ministers a strong-willed spirit and worked with passion, then now, Xia Muyang is definitely a mature ruler, with clear rewards and punishments, and even if his ministers are not convinced, they can only accept it.

 “I’m convinced!”

 The Minister of War stood up sadly and bowed deeply.

 "Maya Uemura, resigned from the position of Director of the Ministry of War and was assigned to the border area!"

 "Inoue Shaoshang, resigned from the position of Director of the Ministry of War and was assigned to the frontier!"

 "Tanaka Qiangong, resigned from office..., and was sent to the frontier..."

 “There is light under the tree...!”


 As soon as these dozen names were read out, dozens more people fell to the ground.

At first they thought it was just a matter of the Ministry of War, and these ministers could not help but heave a sigh of relief. But later, they discovered that as long as it was related to the salary of corrupt soldiers, regardless of the Ministry of War or other ministries, they all had names.

 A big earthquake happened! This is definitely a big earthquake.

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