"Yes, it all depends on you. I went to inspect it a few days ago. Everyone should know about this!"

 “I know, I know!” All the ministers responded immediately!

"Haha, but do you know that some people secretly went there again after knowing about my inspection?" As soon as these words came out, the smiles on the faces of the ministers who were full of joy just now suddenly froze on their faces. Some people's faces His mind showed panic.

"Soldiers, I don't know if you all recognize me. I think you should, but I would like to introduce myself. My name is Natsume Yang, the yang of Lieyang. I hope you are ready for something!" Xia Muyang suddenly said The words turned to the soldiers.

"Understood!" Although they didn't know what Xia Muyang was preparing for, they still responded in unison because of habit.

 “Tell me how you are treated!”

As soon as these words came out, the whole square suddenly fell into silence.

 “I knew that was the case, yes, you don’t know if I will support you!”

"Then I will open the skylight and speak out. Today, you can just say it. As for revenge, I want to see who dares to catch one, lift! Clan! Company! Sit down!"

Xia Muyang’s eyes flashed with cold light, and his loud voice resounded throughout the square!

 “Tell me, how are you treated?” Xia Muyang shouted again.

"not good!"

This time, what was received was a response like a sound wave. The whole square was shaking violently, and a large number of people among the ministers fell to the ground.

“Dear ministers, have you heard this? Have you heard the anger of the soldiers? This is enough anger to destroy the entire Kingdom of Yang. I myself am frightened!”

"This unannounced visit was really an eye-opener for me. It was such an eye-opener. I felt that I really didn't trust them and made them suffer so much. Facing them, I was so embarrassed!" Natsume Yang said in the interview. roar.

“I, Xia Muyang, sincerely apologize to you! All border soldiers, I hope you can forgive me!” Xia Muyang bowed deeply.

 “You’re too serious!”

All the soldiers roared in response. The solemn military salute split the air, shook the sky, and even cracked the earth.

 This is the anger of a common man that is enough to destroy everything.

“Today, everything should come to an end! It’s over!” Xia Muyang straightened up, and his roar echoed throughout the square.

 “Oh!” The soldiers burst into tears with excitement.

"Then, let's get started!" Xia Muyang's expression suddenly became extremely cold, like a cold god, which made all the ministers shudder.

"This guy, could it be..." A minister may have thought of something and had a bad look on his face.

 “Zhiqi Lunye, come up!”

 Xia Muyang suddenly looked at the queue of ministers and said with a smile. However, no one came forward.

"What, you don't want to come out?" Seeing this, Xia Muyang couldn't help but smile, and immediately two black shadows flashed past, and then, the fat minister who showed off his power to the captain that day was now in front of Xia Muyang, But it softened directly into a puddle of flesh.

"The temperature on the floor is comfortable, right?" Natsume Yang whispered in his ear, looking at his face twisted in pain.

“It should be very comfortable, and it will help you lose weight! After all, no matter how you treat others, it’s time for you to try it yourself, right?”

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