"This seal formation speed is too fast!" Asma couldn't help but exclaimed.

 “Such an enemy is really disappointing!”

 He couldn't help but clenched Feiyanlai in his hand, his face became more solemn than ever before, and so did Kakashi!

They all knew that Jiu Yan was rushing towards them!

However, the first thing Jiu Yan did was not attack them at all as they imagined. Instead, he appeared in front of Liu and led him away from the attack range of the arrow rain.

“Guys from the Leaf Village, I won’t do this single task, you can do whatever you want!”

Jiuyan's words made Kakashi and Sarutobi Asuma stunned for a moment, and then they looked at each other and saw the astonishment in each other's eyes.

 “There can’t be any fraud!”

 Such a sentence rang in both of their minds.


Kakashi was puzzled. She wanted to know why Jiu Yan suddenly gave up the mission.

“Article 7 of the Yangyin Village Task Regulations: When attacked by the employer or life-threatening, the employment relationship is terminated and the employer pays half of the liquidated damages!”

At this moment, a somewhat majestic voice came, and then, a team dressed in gorgeous uniforms and equipped with elite weapons and weapons slowly advanced.

 “Elite soldiers!” This is what everyone present is thinking.

“I didn’t expect to meet the Valkyrie here, so polite!” This is a middle-aged man with a pair of eagle eyes. He is tall and has a neat slicked back hair. He looks like a gangster leader.

“I didn’t expect to meet the Minister of Foreign Affairs here, what a coincidence!” Jiu Yan glanced at the man and responded nonchalantly.

She knew this man, one of Xia Muyang's many capable generals, and had received training from Jiu Yan before.

 “What is the purpose of this trip?” Jiu Yan asked again.

“I came here for the economic development of the Kingdom of the Sun, and also to witness the treasure of the Kingdom of Snow with my own eyes. The regent is very curious, but because I can’t leave, I asked me to check it out on my behalf!”

"I see!"

Jiuyan nodded and didn't ask any more questions. Then he placed the unconscious Liu in the Foreign Minister's car.

 “Asshole, this guy actually gave up the mission directly, **** Yangyin Village, what **** rules!”

These loyal fans of Fenghua Xiaoxue are still very powerful, and they are actually able to maintain a stalemate with the team of Fenghua Furutao.

“It’s our turn, our task is to help them restore the country and ensure the success of the coup!”

Kakashi took his eyes away from Jiuyan, and then looked at Fenghua and raged away.

 “Yeah, it’s our turn!”

Asma nodded, and then rushed towards the city wall like a cheetah.

“Are you really just watching like this? What if Feng Hua Furuo wins, he will complain!”

"No, how can these people be the opponents of ninjas? Master Natsume Yang's younger brother is a natural leader! They have their own beliefs and have the courage to devote themselves to their beliefs. How could they lose!"

Jiuyan looked at Naruto who was shouting to join the battlefield and said expressionlessly.

“However, the storm is not a fuel-efficient lamp. It seems that this will be a very interesting battle!”

 The Foreign Minister squinted his eyes and showed an expectant smile.

after an hour!

 “The city gate is broken!”


With the efforts of Kakashi and others, Fenghua Koyuki and others successfully broke through the city gate at the cost of hundreds of lives.

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