“Escape? Earth flow city wall!”

Facing the flames that could devour him at any time, Kakashi concentrated his attention like never before and completed the hand seal in a second.

He created a huge wall of earth on the ground that was three meters thick, isolating the flames from himself, Naruto, and Sasuke.


However, before Kakashi could breathe a sigh of relief, the city wall suddenly made a cracking sound, and then rumbled and trembled, feeling completely overwhelmed.

 “Water escape? Water rushes waves!”

  Thanks to the situation of Konoha without a general after Natsume Yo left, the Third Hokage authorized outstanding ninjas like Kakashi to enter the Konoha Ninjutsu Scroll Room to study for a month!

There, Kakashi learned many useful ninjutsu. Water rushing into waves is one of them.


The turbulent waves of the water directly crossed the city wall and poured on the flames. There was a violent reaction immediately. Large swaths of mist spewed out, and the flames were successfully blocked.

From here, we can also see the gap between Jiuyan and Kakashi. Kakashi needs two ninjutsus to fight against Jiuyan and one ninjutsu. This gap puts a certain amount of psychological pressure on Kakashi.


In the mist, there was suddenly a sound that broke through the air at a high speed. Without thinking, Kakashi picked up Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto and hid aside.


However, what Kakashi had no time to react was that the next moment, he received a solid kick on his chest!

He just felt like he was hit by a high-speed running Tyrannosaurus Rex, tearing the air and roaring out like a rocket.

“Oh, it seems that Sister Jiuyan is almost finished! Then I have to speed up a little bit, even though I’m not very strong!”

During the break in the battle, seeing Kakashi flying backwards again, Liu couldn't help but flash a smile on his face, and then his eyes suddenly became serious.

 “All kinds of things!”

I just heard him shout like this, and then I saw a piece of soft wicker as thick as an arm suddenly appeared on the ground beneath Asuma and the others, wrapping around from all sides, so fast that no one could react. Chance.

 Akimichi Choji and Yamanaka Ino were instantly entangled into rice dumplings. Sarutobi Asuma did not dare to neglect, Feiyan flew at extremely high speed, and used the super strong wind escape cutting power he mastered to relieve himself of the crisis.

Nara Shikaku is very smart, or he can observe the situation. In the previous battle, he secretly stretched out a shadow and connected all the shadows of the willow branches rushing towards him, creating a chance for himself to escape. !

 “It’s interesting, in that case, Liu Wuzong!”

Seeing that this move could not be hidden from Nara Shikaku, Yanagi didn't have any regrets. After the chakra was input into the earth, several samurai made of wicker appeared from beside the two of them, and they slashed down with two swords, causing the two of them to rush back. One step back.


However, in the process of retreating, Nara Shikaku suddenly felt a binding force coming from his right foot. When he looked down, he saw that a wicker had been wrapped around him.

Then, wicker sticks appeared behind him, dancing with their soft figures, and wrapped him into a rice dumpling in his frightened and resisting eyes.

Asma was a little better, the dancing swallows flashed with cold light, and all the willow branches were broken. But he was the only one left in Class 10.

Moreover, the remaining willow branches continued to follow, so he could only keep retreating and quickly made a seal in the air: "Fire Escape? Ashes Burn!"

 To deal with this kind of ninja who manipulates plants, Asuma believes that fire is the most useful.

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