"I already understand the general situation, Mr. Daimyo, please tell me the specific situation so that we can carry out the subsequent **** mission!"

Before Feng Hua Nu Tao could speak, Jiu Yan spoke coldly, without the slightest emotion, simply and directly.

“My enemy is Asama Santao. He hired Kakashi and Sarutobi Asuma from Konoha Village and defeated my three men. Now, he is heading towards the Daming Mansion with overwhelming force!”

“Your mission is to protect the Daming Mansion from being invaded by them, and to crush the conspiracy of Mr. Asama and the others!”

"Also, if you can, please take them with you. I also have a target called Fenghua Xiaoxue. As long as this woman is obtained, Asama Santao and the others will have no excuse to launch a coup!"

  Feng Hua Ragao tried to state his needs in the simplest terms possible.

"I understand! Let's go, Liu!" After hearing this, Jiu Yan turned around and left!

"As expected of a ninja from Yangyin Village, you are indeed confident. If it weren't for the worry about Natsume Yang behind you, you would think I would be so polite to you. Woman, don't underestimate me!"

After Jiu Yan left, Fenghua Nutao's face suddenly darkened and his tone was unkind.

 At the same time, Hidan, the last member of the Akatsuki organization, also joined. At this point, the Akatsuki organization was full.

 Some things that have been planned for zero burial can be started.

 Outside the Daiming Mansion in the Land of Snow!

"It seems that we can complete the mission easily this time. Sure enough, as long as we don't encounter the ninjas of Yangyin Village, everything will go smoothly!"

 As they were about to approach the Daming Mansion, Sarutobi Asuma teased Kakashi.

“Well, I hope, I hope we won’t meet anyone from Yangyin Village, otherwise, this will definitely go to waste!”

It's not that Kakashi has the ambition of others and destroys his own prestige, it's because among the ninjas of Yangyin Village, the only ones who may come out to perform such tasks are basically the fifteen people, and none of these fifteen people are easy to deal with.

Fortunately, Qi Liangzhong, except for Natsume Chao, Kakashi is sure to win, and Natsume Chao may be tied.

 But once he got to the Five Sons, Kakashi would start to have a headache. If the rumors in the ninja world are correct, there are three of the Five Sons at the same level as him. The other two were a bit stronger than him.

“Then, unfortunately, you have failed in this mission.”

At this moment, a cold female voice came, which immediately attracted the attention of Kakashi and others.

 “Oops, the people coming this time are even more difficult to deal with!”

As soon as he saw the person coming, Kakashi couldn't help but scream, "Oh no!" This person was even more difficult to deal with than Zabuza last time.

"What a strong oppression. I haven't seen this guy for five years, but he has become so terrifying?"

Sarutobi Asuma also knew Jiuyan, so he couldn't help but be horrified at Jiuyan's sudden increase in strength.

“What, you’re surprised? Judging from your expressions, it seems like you’re saying why did I suddenly become so scary?”

"I think this is a misunderstanding of yours. I don't remember that I have ever used my full strength in Konoha. Besides, I received the teachings of Lord Natsume Yang, so I should make rapid progress!"

Jiuyan floated down from the city wall like a fairy, less than ten meters away from Kakashi and the others.

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