"However, if you want to survive, there is nothing you can do, as long as you are willing to give it up!"

At this moment, a young voice suddenly came, causing everyone to look outside the house.

I saw a young man with a smile and wearing elegant and loose clothes walking into the room.

 Who is it if it’s not Natsume Yang!



Zabuza and the two said hello.

 “It’s over!”

If Cardo just felt troublesome just now, now it is completely over.

In his eyes, this young man is no different from a devil.

 “Hey, Kakashi, long time no see!”

 “Relax, don’t be nervous, I’m not here to fight!”

Seeing Kakashi's tense body, Natsume Yang couldn't help but smile, patted him on the shoulder, and then sat down opposite Cardo with great dignity.

"Mr. Cardo, right! I have an agreement here. After you sign it, you can leave!"

"Of course, you don't have to sign, but after your death, I will slowly transfer your property. Don't worry, I'm always very strict in my work!"

Xia Muyang smiled and took out an agreement from his chest and handed it to Cardo.


Kaduo picked it up and looked at it, and his face suddenly darkened. The contents of this agreement were simply overlord clauses. No, it should be called a white wolf with empty gloves.

 Hand over more than 90% of his property to buy his life. These properties include not only money, but also all the real estate in his name and some of his investment projects.

 It is equivalent to using this huge wealth to buy his life. However, as the richest man in the ninja world, Cardo's wealth is enough to be worth the total taxes of the Fire Nation for several years, so how can he give up so easily.

“Why, if you don’t want to, then it seems you have chosen death!”

Seeing Kado's face darken, Xia Muyang suddenly had a long knife in his hand and pressed it against Kado's chest.

 “Don’t worry, you won’t feel any pain!”

With the smile on his face, Natsume Yang really didn't look like someone who knew how to kill. However, Cardo knew that if he didn't make a choice, the sword would kill him in the next second.

 If the money is gone, you can still make more money; if the people are gone, everything is gone!

"I agree!"

After saying these words, it was as if all his strength was taken away from him. He slumped directly on the chair, trembling his hands, and signed his name with a look of pain on his face.

"Well, Mr. Cardo, in fact, you should know that when you embark on this road that harms the interests of the people, you should have thought that this day will happen!"

“The power of the people is not as fragile as you think. When united, it is a very powerful force!”

Natsume Yang put away the agreement, then looked at Naruto: "Naruto, we meet again!"

 “Brother Natsume Yang!”

Just when Naruto was about to step forward, Kakashi stretched out his hand to stop him. He had a solemn look on his face: "Natsume Yang, for your behavior, aren't you afraid that other rich people in the ninja world will unite to sue you?"

“You don’t need to worry about this. I think the Daimyo envoy from the Country of Yang should have arrived at the Daming Mansion of the Country of Waves by now, and he will thank me!”

 Natsume Yang's eyes only stayed on Kakashi for less than a few seconds, and then he looked at Uchiha Sasuke.

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