The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 637: Yangyin Village needs spiritual support

There are a total of eighteen free development zones in the Kingdom of Water and the Kingdom of Fire. This is simply a blatant robbery of capital. As long as you have some foresight, you will never let go of such an opportunity.

 Preferential policies and special treatment should not be too easy.

 “Haha, this is the sinful primitive accumulation of capital!”

 Natsume Yang stood at the top of the Ice Spirit Valley, looking at the bustling Yangyin Village, with a look of satisfaction on his lips.

 “Ten years of use is enough!”

Ten years have been enough for these crazy businessmen to continuously flow the wealth of the Fire Country and the Water Country into the Yang Country.

“Since everything is almost done, some systems should also be implemented!”

"A ninja village can't do without some spiritual pillars. It's just a ball of sand. Otherwise!"

 Natsume Yang saw the ninja selection that was in full swing, and a certain system slowly emerged in his mind.

The winter of Konoha 57 was a bit cold, but this did not stop the enthusiasm of wandering ninjas or other talents from coming to Sun Hidden Village, nor did it stop other refugees from flowing into Sun Country in large numbers.

However, Natsume Yang has a relatively complete system for everyone who flows into the Kingdom of Yang. In the Kingdom of Yang, there is no need for worthless people, and it is impossible to sit back and enjoy the benefits.

 Due to the influx of a large number of civilians, Natsume Yang had to develop a large area of ​​land again and build it for these people to live.

Anyway, Yangyin Village is rich now!

Of course, during this period, some small episodes still occurred. After all, there are always a few people who can't open their eyes.

The nephew of the Daimyo of the Country of the Sun, relying on the favor of his mother's family, blatantly occupied land, oppressed good people, and took the special funds that should have been used to improve poor areas for himself, and opened an agency to violently collect taxes.

Under the premise that the government agencies of Yang Country failed to lodge a complaint, the oppressed people came to Yangyin Village.

 The next day, this group of people disappeared, and the **** head of the Daming nephew was hanging on the door of Daming Mansion.

 Daming Mansion, and even the entire Kingdom of Yang, once again understood who was in charge of the Kingdom of Yang.

  Time, in the falling snow, came to Konoha's 58th year!

 This year, the ninja world has been very peaceful!

Whether it is the forces on the surface or the forces in the dark, they are quietly accumulating strength, waiting for the year when the plot begins.

 Uchiha Itachi still joined the Akatsuki organization, Uchiha Sasuke still became the second pillar, but Naruto became different.

His goal is no longer to become Hokage in order to gain everyone's recognition, but to become Hokage in order to let Natsume Yang return to Konoha again.

 Hence, he is no longer the weakling in the original work, but one of the geniuses who can keep pace with the genius Uchiha Sasuke, known as the Konoha Twin Stars.

In just four months, the number of ninjas in Yangyin Village increased from less than 2,000 after the war to 12,000, and the area of ​​Yangyin Village tripled.

 Among them, the number of jounin is maintained at about one thousand, and Natsume Yo wants to ensure the quality, especially six thousand jounin and chunin, three thousand genin, and more than one thousand registered ninja school students!

 Yangyin Village has completely possessed the strength and foundation of the sixth largest ninja village.

After the personnel team grew, Natsume Yang launched another selection to select representatives who could represent Yangyin Village’s high-level combat capabilities and top-level combat capabilities: the Three Heavens, the Five Sons, and the Seven Liangs.

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