The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 616: If you don't eat the toast, you will be punished by drinking wine.


 However, what greeted Natsume Yang was the one-tailed beast tama with the three tails opening its mouth. What a joke, let him go with Natsume Yang, he doesn't want to lose his freedom.


As soon as the tailed beast jade came out, the weight of the air suddenly became much heavier again, as if it was torn apart and reassembled by invisible hands. The wrinkles were shapeless, and the speed was so fast that Natsume Yang didn't even have a chance to dodge. "Forget it, we still have to use violent methods!"

 “Ice storm!”

Natsume Yang took a long breath, and the air around him froze directly, and a terrifying ice storm of 100 meters spurted out, colliding with the tailed beast jade.


This ice storm was so powerful that it froze the tailed beast jade in an instant. The freezing sound was so heartbreaking that the violent aura that filled the air disappeared in an instant.

 The temperature of the air dropped below zero in an instant, and ice began to form all around. The air was suddenly filled with ice crystals, which shone beautifully.

 “Boom, boom, boom!”

In this storm, there were also countless powerful ice picks mixed in, possessing terrifying destructive power. A huge tailed beast jade was actually beaten into a sieve in one second.

Tailed Beast Tama, a move that was scandalous in the ninja world, was resisted by Natsume Yang.

 The entire lake turned into an ice sheet in an instant, with a thickness of up to several meters deep.

“Since you are not going to submit obediently and still use such excessive tactics to attack me, then I will not be polite to you!”

Xia Muyang raised his hand, and a huge amount of chakra power erupted from his body. He whispered: "Bing Sen Cong Lin!"



A forest of 100 meters of ice instantly grew in the lake, and branches as thick as a water tank rose into the air, like powerful tentacles, densely entwined.

Sanwei's resistance had no effect, so he was tied into a rice dumpling. The surrounding lake surface was all frozen, and ice began to form on Sanwei's body, causing Sanwei to make an uneasy sound.

  Opening his mouth, he wanted to gather the tailed beast jade again and break the shackles of the ice branch on him.

 “Ice Escape? Frozen Eyes!”

 But just when he had this idea, Natsume Yang's voice came again, and his newly condensed chakra was frozen directly.

 What does it mean to be powerless to fight back? This is it!

“Sanwei, with your wisdom, you should know what choice to make!”

"I said, I will not seal you and make you a jinchuriki. I will give you full freedom. I only need you to protect my village from damage in critical moments! How about it!"

 Natsume Yang sat on the head of Sanwei and put forward his own conditions.


 However, Sanwei didn’t buy it at all!

 He opened his mouth and let out an angry roar again. The roar was so powerful that it even slightly cracked the ice beneath him and spread for nearly a hundred meters.

Even the ice branches that bound him cracked slightly. It was like the sound shook the metal and stone, it was so powerful.

Natsume Yang felt like his head was about to explode. His eardrums were shaking violently and may have been ruptured. His ears and nose were directly congested. Stars were shining in his eyes, and his vision was blurred. He was extremely embarrassed.



Not only that, the three tails began to struggle violently, and the ice branches also made an overwhelming sound of breaking, and they were still breaking. This move was actually not able to restrain him.

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