"You bastard, you ungrateful thing, have you seen clearly who I am? Even I dare to stop you. Open your dog eyes and take a good look. I am the Daimyo envoy, and I am an existence that even you, Natsume Yang-sama, cannot afford to offend! "

“Get out of my way quickly, you are delaying my important business, you two lowly trash can’t afford it!”

 But will these two people do this? How could it be possible? They were a pair of rebellious ninjas who killed without blinking an eye. They only stayed in Yangyin Village because they were impressed by Natsume Yang.

Unless Natsume Yang comes, don't say it's this messenger or the daimyo. Even if the King of Heaven and I come, it will be useless.

“Sorry, please accept the interrogation first, and then go to the highest power office under the leadership of a special welcome team!”

“Also, you should be glad that this is the sacred entrance of Yangyin Village, and you can’t see blood easily, otherwise, you would be dead by now!”

 The two of them had the confidence to say this because behind them was Natsume Yang.

"You... dare to threaten me like this, who are you? Take it down for me!"

The man's face turned blue and white in anger, and he yelled and ordered the guards around him to take down these two people.

Even in the Daming Mansion of the Country of Fire, most officials were polite to him, and no one had ever dared to treat him like this. Today, he was so insulted by these two lowly ninjas who he completely ignored.

 “You dare!”

Facing the rushing guards, the two men glared angrily, and released their murderous aura without concealment.

Where did the guards who supported the excellence suffered such a momentum, they suddenly collapsed like soft -footed shrimp, and the yellow and white things under them came out.

This messenger was even worse. He collapsed in the car, his trousers were completely soaked, and the smell was extremely unpleasant.

“Humph, you loser, you really take yourself seriously. Just take a **** and look like a bad dog. You dare to act wild in front of Yangyin Village. You are really tired of life!”

The two brothers have lived for so long and have never seen such stupid people as these people. They really regard this place as a famous mansion and think that they can show off their power.

Long before the establishment of Yangyin Village, Natsume Yang said that all affairs in Yangyin Village have nothing to do with the managers of the Country of Waves. Natsume Yang will manage this place.

This person may think that the daimyo is very powerful, but sorry, Natsume Yo is the only ruler here.

"You... just wait for me... and Natsume Yang... you wait for me... the daimyo will not let you go..., I want everyone from Yangyin Village... to kneel in front of me... and apologize to me! "

"Tell... Natsume Yang, if you don't come to the door in person to apologize... and ask Kanyue Qianxia to accompany you... today's... matter will not be over..." After saying the harsh words, the man wanted to leave. Before he wanted to come, these two people You can't be so bold as to kill him!

 But unfortunately, he really stepped on the tiger's tail.

 “Insult Qianxia and you will be killed without mercy!”

A majestic voice sounded in the sky above the entire Yangyin Village, like a god, indifferent and without any emotion.

 “Understood, hehe!”

After receiving this order, the two men suddenly showed bloodthirsty smiles. The long knives in their hands flashed quickly, and all the guards fell into a pool of blood.

 “You…don’t…make chaos…!”


The man looked at the two men in horror, and finally felt fear. However, before he could ask for mercy, two long knives penetrated his chest directly, taking his life.

 After finishing these things, the two people quickly handled the scene, and then continued to stand on both sides like door gods, as if nothing happened.

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