"Haha, the me I used to be...I'm still me, it's just that some people have changed. Wada Chiba, go back, this is not the place you should be!"

Natsume Yang said without looking back, with no emotion in his tone.

“Natsume Yo-kun, you promised to wait for my challenge? Why are you suddenly on the opposite side of Konoha! This is not the Natsume Yo that I know!”

Metkai's voice suddenly came, and he looked dusty. He had obviously just returned from a mission.

"Haha, Kai, you are still like that, rushing! Your challenge is too slow, don't be anxious, I am still in the ninja world, you are welcome to challenge at any time!"

"Your challenge has nothing to do with me standing on the opposite side of Konoha, so if you also plan to stop me from taking Chinatsu and the others away, I'm sorry, but I can only regard you as an enemy!"

Natsume Yang also said without looking back, but this time there was emotion in his tone.

“Is there really no way to save it?” Metkai asked unwillingly.

 “Do you think there is any use in regretting it at this point?”

Natsume Yang raised his head and sighed, and then, as if he had discovered something, he said coldly: "Duanzo, please don't do anything small for me. I only need your life in an instant!"

As soon as these words came out, Danzo immediately let out a reluctant expression, but he could only stop the small movements in his hands. He was afraid of death.

"Tell me, Lord Sandaime, tell me your answer, whether to fight me to the end and cause Konoha to collapse, or to release Chinatsu and the others, so that all grudges can be cleared from now on!"

“Haha, why, I’m still hesitating. If that’s the case, it seems that the strength I showed is not strong enough!”

“Well, let me give you a feel for what the absolute strength gap is!”

 Speaking, Natsume Yang untied the divine seal necklace and entered the immortal mode!


 I saw the ice branch under Natsume Yang's body shattering directly. Everyone present suddenly felt that their bodies were suddenly heavy, as if hundreds of kilograms of weight were pressed down, making them a little breathless.

Danzo even showed a look of horror. Just the breath made him unable to move.

He could no longer imagine fighting Natsume Yang. If there weren't so many ninjas present, he would have died hundreds of times by now.

"Hiruzhan, although I don't want to admit it, but now you, and even Konoha as a whole, if he wants to, you may not be able to stop him from causing damage!"

At this moment, the golden cudgel monkey demon in the hand of the Third Hokage spoke.

“You should know that this level of oppression was only possessed by the first Hokage back then. This is the absolute power over you!”

"You may not be able to get a favor if you fight head-on. This kid is not a kind-hearted person at all!"

The monkey demon sees things through, and rarely speaks to persuade the Third Hokage.

 “He actually...has become so strong!”

Natsume Yang's completely unconcealed aura was released, which immediately made everyone of Natsume Yang's generation, including Kakashi, look horrified.

 “If our Uchiha clan also has such a strong strength, maybe it will be enough to subvert Konoha!”

Uchiha Fugaku imagined this in his heart. He only blamed himself for being too slow. If he had acted earlier, perhaps the Uchiha clan and Natsume Yang would be working together to deal with the Leaf Village, and their plan would definitely succeed.

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