The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 591: One hundred thousand experience points mark

"not good!"

Seeing this, Onoki immediately yelled that it was bad, and wanted to seal him immediately to stop him. However, after Natsume Yang suffered one loss from Onoki, how could he let him succeed again? Staring is like a mark of fairy magic and goes away.

 Just because Ohnoki was under the illusion, it doesn't mean that others can't form seals to fight.

 “Escape? Earth flow city wall!”

 “Escape? Earth flow city wall!”

They saw Huang Tu and Chi Tu quickly forming seals and then slapping them on the ground. Then, two surrounding earth walls rose up from the ground, trapping Xia Muyang in a smaller area. .

However, Huang Tu and Chi Tu obviously had no time to use the weighted rock technique, because the Tucheng wall collapsed in less than two seconds after it came into contact with the wind and waves, completely unable to withstand it.




 There was a scream immediately among the group of rock ninjas. The blood blooms like a flower, coquettish and bloody.

 Looking around, they were all corpses of Iwa ninjas that had been beaten into a sieve.

 “Psychic art!”

Natsume Yang has no idea of ​​staying any longer. If he continues to fight, although he can rely on the system to kill these people alive, the mad Onoki is very scary!

 Natsume Yang couldn't guarantee that he could dodge his dust escape attack every time.

What's more, he felt that something else must have happened in Konoha Village, and he needed to rush back as soon as possible to see what was going on.

 “Psychic art!”

 Natsume Yang quickly summoned the white spirit. No communication was needed, and his meaning was conveyed with just one look. Bai Ling immediately flapped his wings and flew up several hundred meters to leave.

 “Damn it, our attack doesn’t have that far range!”

Seeing this, Huang Tu was unwilling to pound the ground with one hand, making a big hole in the ground.

 “Xia! Eyes! Yang!”

Just when Xia Muyang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, he suddenly heard Onoki's furious voice. He saw his hands accumulating strength, and then, an unprecedented terrifying light of destruction came out, which made Xia Muyang's hair grow cold. It blew up.


Facing the original world peeling light that reached him at this moment, Natsume Yang almost cried out in horror because he could not resist this move. He really underestimated Ohnoki's resistance to illusions.


Just for that moment, time seemed to have stopped. Bai Ling suddenly seemed to be pushed by an invisible force. Without any help, he deviated by just one meter. He could barely cling to the light and swooped down. .

 Then, he suddenly flapped his wings and flew up with the help of the wind whirlpool, far away from Onoki's attack range.

 “Xia! Eyes! Yang!”

Natsume Yang's ears heard Ohnoki's roar again, but this time he had no way to do anything to Natsume Yang.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the mission. Experience points +9000, gold coins +20000, seal hand speed +2, illusion resistance +4, vitality +10, and an ice escape upgrade scroll!”

 The system task completion prompt came as expected. Natsume Yang released the sage mode and put on the divine seal necklace again.

 The heat of system upgrades continues to flow through Natsume Yang's body. Even though he has long been accustomed to the feeling of upgrading, Natsume Yang still feels very comfortable every time he experiences it.

“There are still 500 experience points left to break through the 100,000 mark, and the ice escape upgrade scrolls have been gathered together. Thinking about it this way, this mission is really not bad!”

Xia Muyang was lying on Bai Ling's back, but his mind directly entered the system.

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