The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 584: Have you thought about how to die?

“The Earth Spider Clan? They are under siege by Yanyin Village and I need to rescue them! It’s not an easy task!”

 Xia Muyang sat with Bai Ling and reached the destination in just one day.

“Ding! The arrival of the host to the Earth Spider Clan has been detected!”

 "Release mission: Help the Earth Spider Clan resist the invasion of Yanyin Village and maintain the safety of the Earth Spider Clan!"

“Task reward: experience value +2000, gold coin +4000, illusion resistance +2, sealing speed +1, title: Peacemaker!”

The voice of the system sounded in Natsume Yang's mind. The standard of a normal S-level mission was similar to what Natsume Yang expected.


As soon as Natsume Yang arrived at the mission destination, he heard a rumbling collision and desperate screams.

“Why hasn’t the rescue team from Konoha Village arrived yet? Is God going to destroy our earth spider clan?”

“If I don’t come again, for the sake of the inheritance of the Earth Spider Clan, I will have no choice but to endanger the innocent and use the forbidden ninjutsu within the clan!”

In the territory of the Earth Spider Clan, a group of seven or eight people were fleeing in a hurry. Behind them, a group of ninjas from the Iwayaku Village were chasing them. The situation was critical.

"Old man, you don't have to run anymore. Don't worry, no one will come to rescue you. The rescue of Konoha Village will take more than a day at least. Do you think you can last another half a day?"

“Give up, you are not willing to join our Iwagakure Village. In this case, we have no choice but to endure the pain and destroy a powerful ethnic group like yours!”

"Your existence is a challenge and threat to the structure of the five great ninja villages. Don't think that anyone will tolerate your existence like the Leaf Village!"

The leader of the Iwagakure Village team is a young man Natsume Yang has never seen before, but he must be very capable, otherwise, Ohnoki would not be sent to perform this task.

 “Oh, really, how do you know no one will come to save them!”

“Everyone in Yanyin Village, I say that destroying the human race for no reason is a bit too much!”

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from above the heads of the people in Yanyin Village, making them all look up.


The leader of Yanyin Village looked up, his pupils suddenly shrank, and his voice began to tremble.

Black clothes with short hair, a young face, a smile on the corner of his mouth, and a long knife that was shining with cold light. All of these were so familiar to him that they were imprinted in his bones.


Without any hesitation, he directly gave the order to retreat. He knew very well that when they met this man, not to mention completing their mission, even their survival would depend on luck.

"That is…!"

The old man who led the Earth Spider looked at the young man sitting on the bird in the air and couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

 “Escape, wherever you can go!”

 Natsume Yang looked at the fleeing rock ninjas, with a cold smile on his lips.

"Wind Swordsmanship!" He spat out these words softly, but in the ears of the leader of Yanyin Village, they sounded like a reminder, making him feel cold to the bone.

Then, he suddenly felt a breath behind him, and the air seemed to have stopped, making him feel an unprecedented panic.

 “Have you figured out how to go to see the God of Death?”

Natsume Yang's death-like words rang in his ears.


He let out a desperate roar, but before he could even complete a seal, his eyes widened, and the Wind Spirit Knife pierced his chest directly.

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