“Teacher, don’t underestimate Sasuke, I believe he can persevere!”

“Okay, since you think it’s okay, let him stay. It’s just in time, it’s almost time for training!”

Xia Muyang stood up from the ground, put on the clothes on the table, and stood up.

 “Let’s go, Naruto, Natsume Shio, you have a companion today!”

Xia Muyang called to the other two people and walked out of the room.

 But just when Natsume Yang walked out of the door, he saw a person who even surprised him.

“Mr. Natsume Yang, thank you for your encouragement a few days ago. I have now enrolled in school. I will continue to work hard. I will return this scroll to you!”

The man who appeared in front of Xia Muyang was none other than Locke Li. Seeing his fighting spirit, Xia Muyang couldn't help but smile.

“Take this scroll. If you think it is useful to you, you can try to learn it. I welcome you to come to me at any time for the following parts!”

“Effort is your own, come on, young man! Your efforts will definitely not let you down in the future!”

Xia Muyang patted Locke Li lightly on the shoulder, and then left.

"Yes, senior, I will continue to work hard! Can you come and see me on the day I graduate?" Locke Li asked tentatively.

He wanted to show his future results directly to Natsume Yang.

“Okay, I’m looking forward to seeing how much you have changed after graduation!”

 “Thank you, Mr. Natsume Yang!”

After receiving Xia Muyang's affirmative answer, Locke Li couldn't help but bow deeply to Xia Muyang, and then left as fast as he could.

"Who was that person just now? Judging from his appearance, it seems that he won't have much success in the future!" At this moment, Natsume Chao asked Natsume Yang.

 “Haha, it’s just a destined person, his future is uncertain!”

 After leaving such a somewhat inexplicable sentence, Natsume Yang headed straight for the seventh training ground.

"Uchiha Sasuke, from the moment you enter this training ground, I have only regarded you as a person undergoing training, so any pride you have must start to let go. Here, your pride is not worth a penny!"

“So, you have to be mentally prepared first, otherwise, you will feel very uncomfortable, do you understand?”


 Uchiha Sasuke couldn't help but swallowed. He suddenly felt that Natsume Yang had become a little scary.

 “Then let’s get started!”

As he said that, he saw Natsume Yang forming two shadow clones, and then took Natsume Chao and Uzumaki Naruto to other places respectively.

 “As an Uchiha, do you know your advantages?”

 At the beginning, Natsume Yang did not directly train. Instead, he asked Uchiha Sasuke such a question.

 “Sharingan, and Fire Release!”

 Uchiha Sasuke replied after thinking for a while.

 “Then do you think you have made good use of your advantages?”

 Natsume Yang asked again, but Uchiha Sasuke was stunned for a moment, and then he hesitated. After pondering for a while, he answered: "No!"

 “Then, from now on, you must understand your strengths and make full use of them for training, so that you can make rapid progress!”

"Of course, since you haven't opened the Sharingan yet, let's not talk about the advantages of the Sharingan for now, but in addition to the Sharingan and Fire Release, you have a very big advantage, do you know which one it is!"

 “Is it a shuriken technique?”

 Uchiha Sasuke was very smart and thought of the key points at once.

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