
  However, something unexpected happened to Natsume Yang.

I saw that the arm that Natsume Yang removed actually seemed to be alive. When Natsume Yang was dealing with the chakra energy cannon, it turned into a phantom and rushed towards Natsume Yang, so fast that everyone was stunned. react to.


But Xia Muyang is Xia Muyang after all. At the critical moment, he reacted, blocked the Wind Spirit Sword in front of him, and was blasted straight into the lake.


Upon seeing this, the monster immediately let out a cry of joy, and then, under the horrified gaze of everyone, the left arm actually merged with his body.

 Then, it got directly into the lake, wanting to compete with Natsume Yang in the lake.


 But, how could Natsume Yang give it such a chance? Of course he wasn't good at fighting underwater, so he rushed out immediately.

 “Wind Escape’s Great Breakthrough!”

The moment he rushed out, the monster followed closely behind him. After Xia Muyang quickly formed a seal, there was a violent wind and wave, which directly pressed him on the water.

How powerful this wind and wave is, you can tell how terrifying it is just by hearing the rattling of the monster's bones. If you don't know, you should know how big a depression is in the lake beneath it.

It was a circular depression that was more than fifty meters long. It was like a small natural disaster. Those people looking at it on the shore were so dumbfounded that they almost thought Xia Muyang was a god.

 “The art of water escape and powerful water wrist!”

  Except for the chakra light cannon released by this monster, its combat consciousness is not very strong. At least in Natsume Yang's opinion, it is relatively weak.


This monster was blown away again, but its huge body was like a sandbag, flying in and out of the lake, causing a splash of water.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

However, before Natsume Yang could breathe a sigh of relief, he saw five light cannons coming straight towards him, so fast that he didn't even have a chance to react.

 “What a fast response. It didn’t seem to be there just now. What’s going on?”

Xia Muyang used the wind teleportation technique to dodge from the light cannon unharmed. Such an attack could not do anything to him, but he could not help but frown slightly.


Before Xia Muyang could think about it deeply, the monster suddenly appeared in front of Xia Muyang as if it had transformed. It punched the air and hit Xia Muyang.


Xia Muyang used the wind-blinking technique to dodge the monster's punch, and then dodged to its side, and the Wind Spirit Knife struck down with all its force. However, the monster reacted quickly and blocked it, using the sharpness of the Wind Spirit Knife. , but there was nothing they could do about it.

“This monster’s strength is still growing! It’s a bit too scary!”

When the attack failed, Xia Muyang immediately stepped back. The monster's right arm flew past Xia Muyang's position in the next second, accompanied by the sound of wind and thunder.


The monster failed to hit it, opened its mouth, and once again sprayed out a chakra energy cannon that was extremely hot and exuded an extremely manic atmosphere at Natsume Yang.

“It’s interesting. It seems that my judgment of you just now was not accurate. Your fighting awareness is quite high. This smooth fighting method is simply amazing!”

Faced with the incoming energy cannon, Natsume Yang actually refused to dodge. A roaring sharp sound came out from his right hand, and then, a wind-attribute chakra light ball as big as a water tank appeared. With it in his hand, he moved towards the light cannon.

 This battle must be over.

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