The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 571: It’s good to have blood inheritance limits

"This is normal!"

 Even though he was pretending to be cold, the excitement in his tone betrayed him.

 “Let’s go home!”

 After saying that, Xia Muyang turned and left, and the two of them followed him and left.

“Iruka-sensei, who is he and why do you respect him so much?”

 After Natsume Yang left, some students raised their hands and asked curiously.

“That man’s name is Natsume Yang. He is very powerful. He is the hero of Konoha’s Third Ninja War. He frightens all the ninja villages and prevents them from messing around!”

"In short, I will tell you this much now. You can learn about the specific things later, and you can also aim at Natsume Yang-sama and keep moving forward!" Iruka briefly answered this person's question.

"That person is the second master of Konoha Village! With your talents and resources, if you want to reach the same height as him, you better not have any illusions, you have no chance!"

At this moment, Uchiha Sasuke, who was about to leave, suddenly said this, which simply triggered a wave of hatred.

 “Damn it!”

 “Who is this guy looking down on?”

 “Don’t think that just because you are an Uchiha is something special!”

Everyone was immediately angry, but intimidated by his powerful strength, no one dared to take any real action.

 “Well, why do you have to be so serious? It’s too troublesome, isn’t it?”

Nara Shikamaru among the crowd glanced at Sasuke who was leaving, hugged him with both hands and left.

If there is anyone here who knows Natsume Yang better than Uchiha Sasuke, it is him without a doubt.

 But he didn’t plan to educate these people about it because it was too troublesome.

Time passed slowly in the ninja school of Natsume Shio and Uzumaki Naruto.

September is an extremely hot time, but in such a hot season, Natsume Chao and Uzumaki Naruto did not rest, but were practicing!

Uzumaki Naruto's progress is not very great, but Natsume Yang is not in a hurry. After all, Naruto is already many times better than when he first entered school.

 And Natsume Shio is really making rapid progress.

Sometimes, Natsume Yang himself had to lament that it was really comfortable to have a Blood Succession Limit. It was like a plug-in. Things that others couldn't do even after exhausting work could be solved with the help of the Blood Succession Limit. .

"Well, it's very good. If you make this progress for another year or two, I'm afraid even the Jonin will no longer be your opponent!" Natsume Yang was very satisfied with Natsume Shio's progress.

“It’s still not enough, brother, I can feel that the top management is becoming more and more distrustful of us!”

"Your position has been from the captain of the ANBU to the ordinary jounin now. If one day the higher-ups really want to take action against us, I feel that my strength will not be of much help at all!" Natsume Shio wiped his head. sweat, looking at Natsume Yang said.

“Haha, you don’t have to worry about this. We don’t have any conflicts with the senior management for the time being. Even if they want to take action, they don’t have a legitimate reason!”

“You can become stronger with peace of mind. You don’t need to worry about other things. These things are not what you need to worry about now. Your most important task now is to become stronger. This is more important than anything else!”

Natsume Yang waved his hand, indicating to Natsume Chao not to care about these things that he shouldn't care about.

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