“People like you also want to become a ninja, haha, stop dreaming!”

"Just be a poor man for the rest of your life. Ninjas are not something you should get involved with!"

 Locke Li could not help clenching his fists again as the taunts and belittling voices of others kept popping up in his mind.

"Why can't I be a ninja? Why should I deny my efforts so easily? I just want to become a ninja to prove myself. Is this wrong?"

“I have tried so hard, but why can’t I do it? Why can’t I do something that others can easily do? Is it really because my talent is too low?”

While training beyond his age, Rock Lee cried and muttered to himself.

"No, you are not wrong! What is wrong is just that you are too weak. In this world, weakness is the original sin!"

At this moment, an indifferent voice suddenly came from behind Locke Li. He was so shocked that he stumbled to the ground, then quickly got up and wiped the tears from his face!

"you are?"

Locke Li didn't know Xia Muyang, so he looked at Xia Muyang and asked with some confusion.

 “You don’t have to worry about who I am, you will know me when the time comes!”

"Don't belittle yourself, believe in yourself, your efforts will eventually be rewarded and harvested. The reason why you feel pain and sadness now is because you are climbing up!"

"There is nothing wrong with your belief. Even if you don't know any ninjutsu, as long as you work hard enough, you can become a great ninja!"

“Of course, if I don’t give you any hints and just ask you to continue working hard, it would be a bit too much to stand and talk without hurting your back!”

"Meeting means destiny. Well, I have a few scrolls here that should be regarded as basic physical skills. You can choose one to practice!"

With that said, Xia Muyang took out four or five scrolls from his chest and handed them to Locke Li.

 “Eighteen palms to subdue the tiger!”

 “The shooter!”

 “Yiyang Fist!”

 “Tongbei Fist!”

 “Thor legs!”

Metkai took a look at the names on the scroll. They didn't seem to be names he often saw, and they felt strange.

“Hahaha, do you think it’s all strange to you? You think I might be a liar!”

Seeing Metkai's appearance, Xia Muyang didn't know what he was thinking in his heart.

 “Don’t worry, I’m not a liar, you don’t have to look at me with that suspicious look!”

Natsume Yang couldn't help but smile, then put away all these scrolls, and then took out two scrolls again.

“Choose one of these two, it should be of some help to you now!”

I saw these two scrolls written respectively: "Yanagimura Boxing Technique, Wind Dodge Technique!"

 “Who are you and why are you helping me?”

But Locke Li is still very wary of Xia Muyang. Also, if a person suddenly appears and is so enthusiastic to help you, anyone else would find it baffling, and it is difficult to think of being wary.

"Well, since you don't want to believe me, so be it. I'll put one of these two scrolls here. If you want to believe me, you can take a look. If you don't want to believe me, you can also destroy it!"

With that said, Natsume Yang placed one of the scrolls on the ground and left.

“I always feel that the person just now looks familiar, but for a moment I can’t remember who he is! But I must have seen him before!”

After Xia Muyang left, Locke Li suddenly felt that Xia Muyang looked familiar. However, when he thought about it according to his memory, he couldn't remember where he had seen Xia Muyang.

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