“My name is Uzumaki Naruto, and my favorite food is ramen!”

 Because of Natsume Yang, Naruto has fewer twists and turns. Therefore, he does not want to be recognized by everyone, so the idea of ​​becoming Hokage has not yet appeared.

 “My name is Natsume Shio. I don’t like anything, and I don’t particularly dislike anything!”

As the second one, Natsume Shio took his time and introduced himself briefly.

“Is this the younger brother of Natsumeyo-sama? He really looks like Natsumeyo-sama!”

Iruka glanced at Natsume Shio and said in his heart.

 “Sasuke Uchiha, what I like most is the time I spend with my big brother!”

 The third one is Sasuke, he introduced himself coolly.

 “Nara Shikamaru, there is nothing I like or dislike!”

 “Akimichi Dingza, likes to eat all kinds of delicious food!”

 “Haruno Sakura!”

 “Yamanaka Ino!”

 “Inuzuka Kiba!”


 “Hinata Hinata!”

 “Aburame Shino!”

  The twelve young heroes of Konoha's future are all present except for Hyuga Neji and Tiantian who are not in this class, and Rock Lee who has not yet obtained admission qualifications.

"Well, everyone is very good. You introduced yourself very well. I got an impression of you right away!" Iruka applauded everyone.

“Okay, then the next step is the practical part. I believe many people can’t wait, so let’s get started. Since this is the first time, we will adopt a free challenge mode. Which two students will come first!”


"And I!"

 Uchiha Sasuke has been waiting for Iruka to say this. As soon as Iruka finished speaking, he raised his hand.

Seeing Uchiha Sasuke raise his hand, Natsume Shio also raised his hand immediately.

“Okay, let’s invite two classmates, Uchiha Sasuke and Natsume Shio, to have the first competition!”

Iruka was a little surprised, but not too surprised. He didn't know how strong these two people were. He just thought that the two were just competing slightly.

 “Force the Seal of Opposition!”

Iruka has quite a bit of knowledge about this method. After hearing this, the two immediately formed a seal of opposition. From this moment on, they are opponents.


Seeing that both of them were ready, Iruka immediately gave the order.


"Art fire escape **** fireball!"

 At the beginning, Uchiha Sasuke quickly formed a seal, and then, under Iruka's shocked gaze, he sprayed out a two-meter-high scorching fireball, swung across the ground, and rolled toward Natsume Shio.


Seeing this, Iruka couldn't help shouting quickly, and he began to regret letting the two people start fighting so easily. You should find out the details before starting.

 “It’s so amazing. Is this the strength of the geniuses of the Uchiha clan?”

“Even Natsume Shio can’t be unharmed!”

"What should I do? I like both of them, but how could Natsume Chao avoid such a terrifying ninjutsu!" Haruno Sakura was so anxious that she almost stamped her feet? .

 “Natsume Shio should lose, Uchiha Sasuke took the complete advantage!”

 No one is optimistic about Natsume Shio. They have just learned to refine chakra, so how can they compete with Uchiha Sasuke who already knows how to use ninjutsu?

 In their opinion, even though Natsume Shio has a high chakra score, he cannot use ninjutsu and cannot be an opponent of Uchiha Sasuke.

“Haha, is it this little ball of fire that gives you so much confidence to challenge me?”

 Iruka originally thought that Natsume Shio would look panicked and dodge in panic when faced with this powerful fire ball.

As a result, he actually saw Natsume Chao smile with disdain, and then, when the fire ball was about to hit him, he turned into a stand-in tree to avoid it.

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