The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 555: you didn't do anything wrong

 “Brother Natsume Yang, please open it and take a look!”

After hearing this, Xia Muyang reached out and opened the box, only to find a twisted necklace inside. The main part was of different colors. It was really a poor piece of art.

 “Did you make this with your own hands?”

 Natsume Yang picked up the necklace, looked at Naruto and asked.

“Well! Although my skills are not very good and the necklace is not very pretty, I have always wanted to use something to thank Brother Natsume Yang. Hehehe, I will definitely make a good-looking one in the future!”

"Haha, then our Naruto is very thoughtful. This is really the most special gift among all the gifts I have received!"

 Xia Muyang picked up the necklace with a smile on his face and put it on his neck.

“Hehe, as expected, no matter what you wear, it will look good on Brother Natsume Yang!”

“You are so sweet, let’s go, school starts tomorrow, and it’s time to buy you some new clothes!”

 Speaking, Natsume Yang stretched out his right hand to Naruto.


Naruto's face was full of joy, and he actually threw himself directly on Natsume Yang's back, just like Minase, unable to get down.

"Naruto, you are already four and a half years old, why are you still so childish! This will give me a headache!"

Seeing this, Xia Muyang couldn't help but shook his head, but he didn't let Naruto get down and went out with him on his back.

“You are so lucky, you little brat. I don’t know what kind of luck you had, but you managed to get Lord Natsume Yang’s favor. It’s impossible for ordinary people to get close to Lord Natsume Yang!”

 After Xia Muyang left, the nanny said bitterly with a look of jealousy on her face.

 “Look, that broom star is actually with Mr. Natsume Yang!”

 “How is it possible? Did I see it wrong?”

"How can he be so close to Mr. Natsume Yang? What qualifications does he have!"

Because Naruto forgot to wear a mask, as soon as he appeared on the street, he immediately aroused a lot of public discussion.

 “Brother Natsume Yang, did I... get into trouble?”

Seeing this, Naruto remembered that he was so excited that he even forgot to put on his mask and went out. He lay directly on Natsume Yang's shoulder with a look of remorse on his face.

"How could it be, Naruto, I'm angry if you think like this! It's okay, don't take other people's opinions too seriously, just be yourself!"

“When you are strong enough, they will change their view of you. Before that, just be yourself without any distractions!”

Natsume Yang showed an unknown smile and said to Naruto calmly.

"Really? But why do they hate me so much? I obviously did nothing wrong!"

After hearing this, Naruto raised his head and asked with a look of grievance on his face.

"Of course it's because they are confused by the appearance and have not seen your inner self and do not understand your kindness and innocence, so they hate you!"

 Natsume Yang answered Naruto's question calmly, and it was a normal answer.

"Really? Why can Brother Natsume Yang see my insides at a glance? Is it because Natsume Yang has special abilities?" Naruto's face was full of curiosity.

“Haha, you can think so, but the most important thing is because I watched you grow up, and few people know better than me what kind of person you are!”

Hearing this, Xia Muyang couldn't help but smile, and then walked into a clothing store.

 “Lord Natsume Yang, are you... going to buy him clothes?”

When he saw Naruto on Natsume Yang's back, the owner of the clothing store immediately showed a look of horror on his face. However, Natsume Yang was present and he couldn't directly chase him away, so he had a look of embarrassment on his face.

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