Her hair suddenly glowed with soft light, and then a heavy aura erupted, causing the earth to react slightly. Then, there was a sound like the winding of a crossbow, and a violent aura erupted instantly. out.


There was only a thunderous explosion, and all the bugs suddenly shot out like a rainstorm, and even the air was blown away. Everyone onlookers felt a pushing force acting on them. On the body.

 Aburame Kyūichi’s wave of bugs suddenly emptied out, and a short void appeared. This was what Jingbei Lingya wanted.

“Just give up, without the help of the bugs, I’ll see what else you can do to fight me!”

Jingbian Lingya showed a winner's smile: "The fist of magic hair!"

Then, all her hair condensed into a huge fist. With a heavy step, she instantly stepped forward from the void. The fist of hair was packed with huge force and blasted towards Aburame Kyiichi. go.


Of course Aburame Kyūichi did not dare to resist, and immediately dodged, but while dodging, several more shurikens appeared in his hand, and they shot towards Jingbei Lingya, as if making a final struggle.

“Hmph, it’s boring, do you still want to fight this pointlessly? Do you think this can change the outcome of your defeat?”

Seeing this, Jingbian Lingya said disdainfully and knocked away all the kunai flying towards her without caring. She didn't think these kunai could change the situation of the battle.

If this works, then there really is a ghost. She had never heard of anyone being able to change the situation of the battle with two kunai in the face of absolute strength.

  But is this really the result?

"Be careful, Jingbei Lingya, don't underestimate that move, it is one of Konoha Hanguang's favorite moves! Shuriken clone tactic!"

Just because Jingbian Lingya doesn't know him, it doesn't mean that Lanying doesn't know the goods.

 As soon as she saw Aburame Xiuichi make this move, Lanying immediately thought of the kunai clone tactic.

She has carefully studied Natsume Yang, so she is naturally very familiar with all of Natsume Yang's moves. She can be sure that she was absolutely right, that is, the moves that Natsume Yang often uses.


After hearing Lan Ying's call, Jingbian Lingya couldn't help but be a little surprised. She didn't expect that Lan Ying would also remind her.

Did she really make a mistake?

“No, I’m absolutely right, the team leader and the others are just too sensitive!”

Lingya Jingbei firmly believes that Aburame Kyūichi's move is definitely not Natsume Yo's shuriken clone tactic, because Aburame Kyūichi's reaction speed cannot be as fast as Natsume Yo's.


Aburame Kyūichi's shuriken was blocked by her and fell to the ground. Then, her whole body was directly exposed in front of Jingbei Reiya. Facing Aburame Kyūichi who was so close in front of her, Jingbe Reiya I feel like I have no reason to let him go.


Aburame Kyūichi showed no resistance, and was hit hard like a sandbag, which made Jingbei Lingya feel relieved. This kind of physical feeling was not wrong. Could it be that Aburame Kyūichi could also perform illusions? .

“Let this boring battle end like this!” Jingbian Lingya wanted to take advantage of the victory and end this boring battle like this. From the beginning of this battle, she had already positioned herself as the winner.

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