
 As soon as everyone responded, they turned into phantoms and flashed out.

 “This should be a very exciting jounin exam!”

While rushing on the road, Hinata Hizashi glanced at Natsume Yang in the team, and couldn't help but reveal a hint of expectation.

Their destination this time is a place called the Kingdom of Ryusei. This country is very small. It is surrounded by three countries: the Kingdom of Wind, the Kingdom of Fire, and the Kingdom of Rain. There is not even a mark on the map.

 The reason why this time they became the venue for the Jonin Examination was because they wanted to use this exam to make their existence known to the public and drive economic development.

 After arriving in the Land of Sulfur, the environment here was still beyond the expectations of Natsume Yang and others, and there were other ninja villages, such as Iwagakure, who came to take the exam at the same time.

  The moment they met, it was as if a war was about to break out, but the people of Iwagakure still restrained themselves. They knew that they were no match for Natsume Yang, and rushing forward would be tantamount to seeking death.

The jounin exam was not difficult for Natsume Yang, and several outstanding people also appeared in several other ninja villages, such as Komayi from Kumogakure Village and Lanying from Sunagakure Village.

Of course, Metkai also became famous in the jounin exam and proved himself with his physical skills.

Among these people, it was Lan Ying who attracted the most attention from Natsume Yang. Her air release ninjutsu was so weird and powerful that she actually instantly killed the second master Yanagawa Ye who was supposed to be promoted. It was hard to avoid attracting anyone's attention. Disaster.

 But it is a pity that no one could see the battle between her and Natsume Yang. Otherwise, it should have been a very exciting battle.

 The Jonin Exam lasted for six days in total, and it ended amidst everyone's regrets and shock.

"All the candidates who passed will receive their qualifications soon and become jounin of your village. Goodbye, everyone, be well!"

The examiner glanced at everyone, said this, and left in a flash.

Early the next morning, Natsume Yang and others left Ryukoku Country early and embarked on the journey back to Konoha.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the mission! Experience +1000! Gold coins +1500, illusion resistance +1, seal hand speed +2!" The system's voice was still cold and emotionless.

Three days later, Natsume Yo and the others arrived at Konoha Village, and the news that Natsume Yo and the others had successfully become jounin had already spread throughout Konoha.

In the spirit of not delaying time, the Third Hokage performed the awarding ceremony for Natsume Yang and the others, and immediately arranged for Natsume Yang to be the instructor of Jonin, and he will lead the students starting tomorrow.

“Hey, Sir, there’s no need to be in such a hurry, I still want to have a good rest for a few days!”

After hearing this, Xia Muyang turned into a sad face, full of reluctance.

“You kid, I don’t know your character yet. If I let you rest for a few days, you probably won’t be focusing on taking care of your students!”

“Okay, don’t say so much. Get ready tomorrow. This is your first time taking care of students. Although you have had similar experiences before, you’d better prepare well!”

Sandai handed a scroll to Natsume Yang and said: "This is the information on the three ninja students you are going to bring tomorrow. Study it carefully. With your ability, there should be no problem!"

“Okay, okay, okay, you’ve already said this, what else can I say? I just hope these three people can give me some peace of mind. Looking at this information, it seems that none of them are peaceful!”

 Xia Muyang took a rough look at the information of the three students, and then said with a headache.

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