Of course, the biggest benefit brought by the immortal body is that Natsume Yang's recovery power has reached a very terrifying level. It can almost be said that as long as his heart is not damaged, he will almost never die.

After hiding his aura, Natsume Yang straightened his clothes and walked to Konoha Medical Hospital. Kanzuki Chinatsu couldn't let Kantsuki Chinatsu worry too much about him!

 Konoha Medical Center!

“You bad guy, you haven’t had any news for so long, why have you been there! Do you know how worried I am about you!”

As expected, as soon as she saw Kantsuki Chinatsu when she arrived at the medical hospital, Kantsuki Chinatsu swooped over and clung to Natsume Yang like a koala.

  The pink fist hit Natsume Yang **** the chest, and the tears kept falling down like dropped beads!

“Okay, okay, stop crying, am I back? You silly girl, what will happen to me with my strength!”

“The reason why I went there for so long is because I really didn’t expect that their things would take so long, so I was delayed!”

“Be good, it’s not good if others see you. I won’t do this again next time. I promise, look, I’m crying like a little cat!”

Xia Muyang touched Guanyue Qianxia's hair with one hand, wiped away the crystal tears on her face with the other hand, and kept whispering comfort in her ear.

Natsume Yang originally thought that when he watched the moon, it would rain heavily and turn to cloudy weather during the summer.

Unexpectedly, Kantsuki Chinatsu seemed to be a completely different person today, and she gave him a blank look: "Hmph, you won't cry if you say you won't, but I won't. I'm a doctor at the Konohagakure Medical Center. Chief, don’t even think about ordering me!”

“Well, isn’t this good? Miss Qianxia, ​​you are making me very embarrassed like this. So many people are watching!”

Hearing this, Xia Muyang couldn't help scratching his head and said somewhat helplessly.

"Hmph, I don't care, I'm in a bad mood today, you must pamper me, otherwise, I will... let you know how powerful I am!" Kanyue Qianxia threatened with a bared teeth like a little tigress. .

“Okay, okay, my little sister Chinatsu is the eldest, and the younger one, Natsume Yang, listens to the Chief Medical Officer Kantsuki Qianxia on everything. May I ask what your orders are!”

I have to say that Kantsuki Chinatsu is really cute in this look, especially when she grinned just now, revealing two little tiger teeth, which can make people fall in love with her.

"I want a hug!"

Kuanyue Qianxia looked arrogant, completely ignoring the surprised expressions of everyone around her, and stretched out her hands towards Xia Muyang.

“Okay, okay, no problem, just listen to my sister Qianxia!”

Xia Muyang narrowed his eyes and smiled, then stepped forward and approached. Amidst the envious expressions of the medical ninjas, he hugged Princess Kanyue Qianxia, ​​and then walked out of the hospital.

"so good!"

  Many female ninjas whispered with envy, their eyes full of longing.

Who is Natsume Yang, the idol of the younger generation in the entire Konoha Village, and the male **** in the eyes of girls.

 Young, handsome and powerful, the key is that he has a good personality, is gentle and dedicated, and is simply the best example of a perfect husband.

“Oh, I’m so embarrassed. Put me down quickly. I asked you to hug me, but I didn’t let you carry me away!”

The moment she was hugged by the princess, Kanyue Qianxia's mind was completely blank. When he reacted, he was already outside the door. Countless eyes were looking at them, which made her blush instantly and turned her face away. Buried into Natsume Yang's chest.

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