“Bai Ling really has a good partner. After all, not everyone has the ability to do this, and even those who can do it may not necessarily do it!”

“Xia Muyang, it seems that we, the Wind Spirit Clan, have found the right person to become a psychic in you!”

 Ye silently sat down cross-legged in front of Xia Muyang, then closed his eyes to rest.


The stone statue that Natsume Yang turned into continued to peel off, and the speed of absorbing natural energy was getting faster and faster, so that the surroundings around him were about to become a sea of ​​natural energy, and the tremors in Xianju Square became more and more intense.


Suddenly, the stone statue made by Xia Muyang suddenly cracked through the entire stone statue, which was as thick as an arm, revealing the appearance of Xia Muyang inside.

At this moment, Natsume Yang looked like a piece of jade, extremely crystal clear, as if it would break if dropped with a little force.



The speed at which the stone statue peeled off suddenly accelerated, and palm-sized stones fell one after another, revealing Natsume Yang's head.

In the heart of his eyebrows, a faint word of 'spirit' appeared.


The stones peeled off faster and faster, and after a while, they were completely peeled off, and Natsume Yang appeared in the air again.

However, at this moment, Natsume Yang was obviously undergoing a major transformation. With his eyes closed tightly, natural energy was still pouring into his body and transforming his body.

 Another five days have passed.

 Natsume Yang, who is practicing, has no idea, but many people in Konoha Village are a little worried.

Especially Kanyue Qianxia, ​​Natsume Yang has been missing for nearly twenty days, which is too long, how can she feel relieved.

 Furthermore, there is the Third Hokage. He originally thought that it would be enough in three to five days. Who would have thought that it would take so long and it still hasn't been completed.

For this reason, Bai Ling had to keep explaining to delay Xia Muyang's time, but he didn't know how long it would take for Xia Muyang to wake up.

 But he knew one thing, Natsume Yang was undergoing a major change at the moment and could not be interrupted.

 Another two days passed. Finally, when Bai Ling was almost unable to hold on anymore, news finally came in the night that Natsume Yang woke up.

"I didn't expect it to have been so long. It was longer than I thought. I thought it would be enough in seven or eight days, but it turned out to be more than twenty days. I think Konoha Village has already exploded. !”

“Senior Ye, I won’t chat with you for now. I’ll leave first. If I don’t show up, Bai Ling probably won’t be able to hold on anymore!”

 After saying that, Xia Muyang disappeared directly in front of Ye through Bai Ling's counter-spiritual technique.

 “The next generation is to be feared!”

“After so many years, I never expected that someone would actually succeed in achieving the perfect immortal body. Wow, this is something even Senju Hashirama could not achieve back then!”

 “Natsume Yang, you are really a genius!”

After Xia Muyang left, Ye looked at the empty Xianshu Square and couldn't help but admired it.

 Konoha Village!

“Thank you for your hard work. You’ve been trying to find all kinds of excuses to cover up for me these days. I think you’re a little bit exhausted!”

When Xia Muyang opened his eyes again, he was already in his house. Looking at Bai Ling in front of him, Xia Muyang couldn't help but thank him a little apologetically.

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