
The village servant let out a shocking scream!


All I saw was a two-meter-long fire suddenly lit up at the port, and a thunderous explosion spread. However, the village servant, who closed his eyes in fear, did not feel the pain he imagined for a long time. came.

He couldn't help but open his eyes and look, only to see a young man who was almost as tall as his neck, looking at him with a smile on his face. Behind him stood the kid he wanted to kill.

"Village Minister, right? I saved your life, and you owe me a favor. How about this brat becoming mine?" Xia Muyang spoke in a tone that left no room for doubt.

 “You…think…you are…”

The village servant has never seen such an arrogant person, but just when he was speaking harshly to you, he suddenly saw Xia Muyang open his eyes slightly!

What kind of eyes are those! It was indifferent and deep, as if it wanted to **** him in, exuding infinite oppressive power, making him feel as if he was being watched by the unparalleled Emperor.

  My body could not move at all, and I could not help but feel a trace of fear in my heart.

"Haha, I will take your silence as acquiescence. Little devil, struggling in this world is so painful and has no meaning in life. Why not follow me and I will give you some meaning in life!"

"This world is really wonderful. People who are destined to meet will always meet, just like I met you here today! If you are willing to believe me, then follow me. Of course, if you don't want to, that's fine. I No forcing!”

 “What kind of future can you give me? If I want to become as powerful as you, how long will it take!”

This kid raised his head and looked at Natsume Yang with eyes like a tiger's.

“Hahaha, it depends on your hard work and talent. It can take as long as fifteen years or as little as five years. What do you think?”

Xia Muyang couldn't help but bring up a smile, looked at him with a smile and answered.

“If you want me to stay with you, you must agree to one last condition. If I feel that you can’t get me to where I want to be, how about asking me to leave!”

I have to say that children who have struggled to grow up in the world are much more mature than their peers.

These words are definitely not something a normal nine-year-old boy could say.

 “Okay, no problem, but I believe you won’t have the chance to leave!”

Xia Muyang agreed to his request without any hesitation.

 “Let’s go, I’ll take you to see the beautiful scenery and future you’ve never seen before!”

With that said, Xia Muyang walked towards the port. The village waiter subconsciously stepped aside, which surprised everyone.

 “Who is that person? He looks so young, but he feels so strong!”

“Yes, even the village servant dared not say a word. This is not his style at all!”

“I always feel like that person looks familiar, but I just can’t remember where I’ve seen him before!”

 After Natsume Yoki left, the people around him immediately started discussing.

Of course, all this has nothing to do with Natsume Yang. He thought to himself: "A kid who is not qualified to acquire ninjutsu has already learned how to use ninjutsu. Even among the famous disciples in the village, few people can." Do it!”

“Hey, I found a treasure! After letting him return to normal life, he should be able to graduate and perform missions in a few years!”

 “Do you have a name?”

 After boarding the ship, Xia Muyang bought a private room for two people, then sat on the couch and asked.

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