The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 498: Then I'll borrow Poxiadonkey

"Haha, this is just a suggestion, not mandatory. You can think about it slowly. It doesn't matter if you don't agree. It's the same as working for Konoha in ANBU!"

"Of course, if you have figured it out, you can come and tell me at any time. After all, there are still so many graduates in Konoha who need teachers!" The third generation smiled without changing his expression, without any hesitation. Guilt.

For him, Natsume Yang's current identity is not only the ANBU captain of Konoha Village, but also the powerful guard of the Fire Country. Although he is just a gatekeeper, for a ninja, he is already very high. position.

If Xia Muyang continues to grow wildly, he is afraid that he will really lose control.

 The Third Hokage originally thought that Natsume Yang would politely refuse. After all, who could easily give up the position of captain of the ANBU and become a mentor jounin.

 However, Natsume Yo's answer was completely beyond the expectations of the Third Hokage, and even the Third Hokage began to wonder if he had heard it wrong!

Natsume Yang, who was just listening, suddenly shrugged helplessly, and then said: "Actually, I have wanted to quit the ANBU a long time ago, but I have never been embarrassed to say it. Now that the Third Hokage has spoken in person, then I will You’re borrowing the **** to get off the donkey!”

“Haha, to be honest, Chinatsu often complains that I am always doing tasks and have no time to accompany her. Now I finally have the opportunity. After becoming a mentoring Jonin, I finally have many opportunities to accompany her!”

“As for the jounin exam, just remember to inform me when the time comes. If possible, I can break away from the ANBU identity now. What do you think?”

Xia Muyang had an impatient expression on his face, and his eyes were full of relaxation.

"I thought you would hesitate for a while, or refuse, but I didn't expect you to agree so simply. Why, do you dislike the position of ANBU captain so much?"

 Sandai asked pretending to be serious. He wanted to know whether Natsume Yang was playing hard to get or whether he really wanted to leave ANBU.

"Haha, you have almost watched me grow up. Don't you know me well? Do you think I will be the kind of person who is nostalgic for my position?"

“To be honest, the more positions I have, the more uncomfortable I feel, and I feel a heavy sense of oppression! But now I feel much more relaxed, and I feel as if I am flying high in the sky!”

Xia Muyang waved his hands with a helpless expression on his face, "Compared to being a leader, I am more accustomed to being a casual person!"

 “Okay, then let’s do it according to your opinion!”

"However, before being escorted out of the ANBU, there is still a task that you need to perform. After completing this, you can come to me to complete the resignation procedures. From now on, you will be one of the elite jonins of Konoha Village!"

“However, in recognition of your contribution to the ANBU, how about retaining your title of ANBU captain. Except that you cannot lead the team to perform tasks, you still enjoy the rest of the rights!”

 Seeing Natsume Yang being so cooperative, the Third Hokage didn't mind giving Natsume Yang a little sweetness.

"Well, I was born to work hard. I hope this mission will not be like the previous rescue mission. I feel like I was completely betrayed. The enemy is completely in control of the initiative, but I can only be passive. Escape!"

After taking the scroll from the hands of the Third Hokage, Natsume Yang complained intentionally or unintentionally, but the Third Hokage immediately frowned, and a trace of gloom flashed on his face.

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