Damn it! ! "

Seeing this, Yumu couldn't help roaring and pounding the ground. Such a good opportunity, but he still didn't do anything to Xia Muyang. Is Xia Muyang really blessed by the gods? In the face of such a crisis, he was able to escape unscathed.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the mission. Experience +10,000, gold coins +30,000, sealing speed +2, illusion resistance +1, title: Light of Hope! An ice escape upgrade scroll!" Until the system's voice prompt sounded, Xia Muyang breathed out a sigh of relief.

 Underground of Konoha, root tissue!

“Counting the time, Xia Muyang should have almost met those powerful guys from Yunyin Village. This time, I don’t believe you can escape unscathed!”

“Just in time, this incident can also be used to warn Hiruzen that trusting a ninja too much is not a good thing!”

Hokage's office!

“Why do I always have a frightening feeling? Is it my imagination?”

The Third Hokage, who was dealing with documents, felt a little palpitation for no reason, but it disappeared immediately. After a while, the feeling of heart palpitations reappeared again, and so on, which made him feel a little strange.

"Hiruzen, aren't you worried about Natsume Yang? You are going deep into the enemy's base camp alone. If you don't do anything right, you may be attacked by a group!"

"I believe that with his strength and experience, he should not be discovered and be attacked by a group like you said!"

"Hmph, that's not certain! If he alerts Yunyin's masters and is besieged, do you think he can escape unscathed?"

 Danzo asked in a questioning tone with a bad intention on his face, as if he was standing on the moral high ground.

"At that time, let's not talk about whether he can rescue the ANBU members. If he is captured, wouldn't all the secrets about Konoha in his head be leaked? As the Hokage, shouldn't you, as the Hokage, leak these things? Think about it?"

"Hiruzen, you were too rash in sending this mission. As a leader, you should consider all possible consequences. Only in this way can you be a qualified Hokage!"

"Of course I know this, and what's the use of saying this now? Natsume Yang has been gone for so long, and it's useless no matter how much we complain now. It's better to hope that he can create miracles and return successfully!"

"As the Third Hokage of Konoha Village, if I can't even believe the ninjas in my own village, then what qualifications do I have to sit in this position!" The Third Hokage asked Danzo in turn, speaking righteously.

"Hmph, create a miracle, what can he use to create a miracle! If he is captured by then, the information in his head will definitely be deciphered by Yunyin Village."

“At that time, it won’t be easy for the Cloud Hidden Village, which has too much information about Konoha, to attack our Konoha Village!”

"Hiruzhan, you shouldn't let him participate in some major events in Konoha! Although he is powerful, can you guarantee that he has the loyalty of Kakashi?"

“It’s not like you haven’t experienced his character before. Do you still want to be pointed at by Natsume Yang with a knife again?”

Danzo's words directly hit the Third Hokage's heart. The issue of Natsume Yo's loyalty has always been a thorn in his heart, making him very uncomfortable.

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