The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 493: Practice brings true knowledge

Of course, this is not because she is bragging about how powerful she is, but the current situation is indeed what she said.

Even if the Third Hokage came in person, he might not be able to escape from the joint attack of the two tailed beastmen and the two secret ninjas.

“Huh, you won’t know until you try it if you can do that. You can’t just say it. How do you know it won’t work if you haven’t tried it?”

"Practice brings true knowledge. Without practice, it is just empty talk. Yukito, you are also a famous figure in the ninja world. There is no need to say this nonsense anymore. I, Natsume Yang, will never relax until the last moment!"

“Even at the last moment, I will fight hard, just in case I survive the desperate situation!” Xia Muyang raised the Wind Spirit Sword, with a burning fighting spirit in his eyes, and no trace of fear at all.

“Then let me see if your big words can be as good as you imagine!”

As soon as the words fell, the Yumu people disappeared from the place, and the people who disappeared with the Yumu people were the Lan Dun ninja Sarui!

 “Lan Dun? Qi Su!”

 Yumu and Saruyi appeared at the same time, attacking from the left and right, but Saruyi's attack arrived first.

Suddenly, a bright chakra chain appeared in front of Xia Muyang, binding and binding Xia Muyang's body from all directions, and exuding extremely strong power. Some of them were directly pulled towards Xia Muyang.

 “Firefire homing bullets!”

And what followed the bright chains all over the sky came from the super high-temperature fireball from the free wooden man that seemed to be able to melt steel. It made people feel like they would be melted if they touched it.

 “The art of instantaneous wind!”

Xia Muyang did not dare to neglect at all, and used all his strength to use the wind-blinking technique. He became as ethereal as the wind, and he completely avoided the chain with his dexterous movements.

While avoiding the chains, he also added a layer of wind attribute chakra to his body surface to prevent him from being burned by the high temperature of the fireball when he was avoiding the fireball!

However, one can imagine the consequences of facing the extremely sharp and sharp wind-attribute protective layer with a physical body. Xia Muyang's entire body was immediately covered with dense wounds, and blood continued to flow out.

 “Lan Dun...!”

 “Wind Escape? Big breakthrough!”

Before Saruyi could form another seal, Natsume Yang suddenly took out five kunai, and then headed straight towards Saruyi and Yumu Ren.

Then, a huge wind swept over, and Kunai suddenly seemed to have gained super power. It trembled at extremely high speed in the wild wind and waves. At a speed exceeding the speed of sound, it flew directly from Sarui and Yuki. Passing through the human body.


Sarui didn't even have time to use her Lan Dundun Armor, and was swept away by the wind and waves. Yukito was lucky, because she was completely transformed into a tailed beast, and the damage caused by kunai to her was almost negligible.

However, the icy wind and waves generated by this big breakthrough were a bit difficult for her to withstand! He was forced back nearly a hundred meters, plowing out a tunnel half an arm deep in the ground.

The wind and waves were 360 ​​degrees with no blind spots. Therefore, both Kirabi and Mo were in similar situations and could not launch a surprise attack on Natsume Yang.

“You and I have been attacking me for so long, now it’s my turn!”

 “Water escape? The art of powerful water wrist!”

I saw Natsume Yang's hands simplified into a phantom, but the handprint was finished in a second.

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