The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 480: If I can take him away, I lose.

 “Damn it!”

 Iwabe Kisuke shouted unwillingly, but when faced with Natsume Yang's attack of the Wind Spirit Sword, he did not dare to resist and hurriedly retreated.

 “The art of multiple shadow clones!”

After retreating, Iwabe Kisuke formed the seal again, and had to mobilize all his chakra to create multiple shadow clones to fight against Natsume Yang.


However, his eyes suddenly widened, he clutched his heart violently, and spat out a mouthful of blood. His head felt dizzy, and he knelt on the ground.

 “Why, you find it incredible, don’t you?”

“You don’t think that the art of multiple shadow clones has no side effects, or else why do you think the art of multiple shadow clones has become a forbidden art!”

“Without the corresponding amount of chakra, do you still want to use the multiple shadow clone technique continuously? Do you think your life will be long?”

 Natsume Yang came to Iwabe Kisuke with the Wind Spirit Sword, said coldly, and was about to slash it down.

"Damn it, don't think you can defeat me like this!" With a strong desire to survive, Iwabe Kisuke actually dodged Natsume Yang's sword, and then quickly formed a seal to launch an attack on Natsume Yang.


However, just when he was about to complete the mudra and was about to mobilize all the chakra in his body, his chest was suddenly pierced by a long knife.

"You bastard!"

 Iwabe Kisuke's dying blow had no effect. The person who pierced his chest immediately retreated after finishing the blow, leaving him no chance to fight back.


As if he was afraid that Iwabe Kisuke's death was not thorough enough, Xia Muyang held the Fengling Sword and pierced his chest again, completely breaking his heart, and died like this.

"Well done, Kawada. Your attack basically laid the foundation for victory. What's even more valuable is that you were able to retreat immediately after you succeeded. You are not greedy for merit at all. Very good. This is how you become a qualified ANBU !”

After killing Iwabe Kisuke, Natsume Yo turned around and praised the ANBU who had just severely wounded Iwabe Kisuke - Namimoto Kawada!

 “Yes, I will continue to work hard!”

Hearing this, a glint of glory flashed in Bomoto Kawada's eyes, and then he pretended to be calm and said.


But just when Natsume Yang was about to take Iwabe Kisuke's head back, there was a sudden sound of piercing the sky behind him, and a group of Root Organization members suddenly appeared in front of Natsume Yang and others, taking Iwabe Kisuke away. Completely isolated from Natsume Yang and the others.

"Thank you for your help. We can finally capture this S-class traitor and bring him to justice. We will report the situation to Danzo-sama and we will never take away the credit that belongs to you!"

“Haha, that’s ridiculous. If you want to take the credit, just say so. Why bother beating around the bush like this? Besides, the credit goes to me. Why, do you think I, Natsume Yang, is easy to bully?”

 Natsume Yang narrowed his eyes. The moment after he finished speaking, a group of root organizations appeared behind him and regained control of Iwabe Kisuke.

"Captain Tenshin, please don't make it difficult for us. This person is the one Danzo-sama wants by name. You should also know the consequences of angering Danzo-sama. For the sake of your future life, please You have to give something up!”

“Haha, what a big joke. Don’t tell me how reliable this statement is. Even if Danzo-sama is really standing here, if I can take away Iwabe Kisuke today, I will lose. How about that!”

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