The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 477: Are you going to die in a place like this?

"Now that you are here, if there is anything left to go, please stay. If my position is exposed because of you, it would be a bit uneconomical."

Seeing that a group of people were still trying to escape under his nose, Iwabe Kisuke could not agree. He rushed towards the fleeing thieves with a bloodthirsty look on his face.

 The exposure of his position is definitely not what he wants to see. This is very disadvantageous for him as a traitor. He clearly knows the nature of his defection. It is a life-and-death pursuit in Konoha and must not be trivial.

"don't want!"

The thieves only hated themselves and others for not growing more legs, so that they might be able to escape under Iwabe Kisuke.

But just when Kisuke Iwabe thought he could kill the Jonin in front of him with one blow, and then scare other thieves to achieve a virtuous circle and gradually kill all the thieves, a young voice ruthlessly shattered his illusions.

 “Fire escape? The art of divine fire!”

A flame that tore through the air and made a roar flew over. The scorching temperature made Iwabe Kisuke shrink his pupils, and he did not dare to resist, so he quickly retreated.


However, just when Iwabe Kisuke stepped back and before he landed, another phantom appeared behind him like a ghost, and the cold long knife rushed towards him with cold light.

He never expected that an enemy would suddenly appear behind him. He had no time to react. Blood splattered on his waist, and a **** was torn open. He then dodged away, but the severe pain made him scream out.

 “Earth Escape? Mud Escape Technique!”

However, before he could figure out the situation, the third enemy appeared again, and he used a binding ninjutsu. He didn't even have time to perform the substitute technique, so he was stuck in the quagmire.

 “Earth Escape? Earth Dragon Bullet!”

But Iwabe Kisuke was an S-class rebel ninja. Before his body was swallowed up, he quickly formed a seal, and then suddenly thrust out a huge dragon head from the swamp and pushed him out. .

Then, he stood directly on the head of the earth dragon, and then formed another seal. The earth dragon suddenly opened its mouth and spit out a piece of diamond-shaped stone, which rose up in the air and turned into stones the size of a millstone. It hit the three ANBU that appeared in front of him like a downpour.

Seeing this, the three ANBU immediately dodged away, and when they dodged, Iwabe Kisuke had already landed. Under his control, the earth dragon bullet continued to rush towards the three ANBU, as fast as lightning, bringing up a thunderstorm. A whistling sound.

 The three Anbu certainly did not dare to meet it. Such an attack was completely beyond the limit of what they could handle.

 “Earth Escape? Earth Dragon Spear!”

But just after the three ANBU avoided the attack of the Earth Dragon Bullet, before they made any move, they saw the ground suddenly trembled, and then there was a rumble, followed by a sharp thorn of earth bursting out, and three The ANBU yelled something bad, but had no time to escape.

“Are you going to die in a place like this?”

The three of them all thought desperately in their hearts, with no hope of survival in sight. Time seemed to have stopped at this moment. A phantom like thunder flashed past, and the three of them disappeared. In front of the ground.

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