The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 467: Let me tell you what a miracle is

“Stop it, do you want to kill Kantsuki Chinatsu? You haven’t tested the drug yet, so you just used it as soon as you had the guts. Captain Kantsuki Qianxia’s life is something you can just joke about!”

 When he saw that Natsume Yang wanted to use the divine healing potion to treat Kantsuki Qianxia, ​​he immediately scolded him.

"Of course I have tested the properties of the medicine. It is mild in nature, red in color, bone-white, and has no strong irritation! Do you think I am like a certain person who deliberately ignores death?"

Xia Muyang spoke immediately, slowly and calmly, as if he had remembered it by heart.

"Why, are you afraid that after I revive Guanyue Qianxia, ​​you will lose face?"

 “You...don’t be slanderous!”

Hearing this, the man's expression changed drastically. He pointed at Xia Muyang but was completely speechless.

“Natsume Yang, are you sure that you can use this potion to wake up Kantsuki Qianxia and heal her injuries?”

  The Third Hokage knew that there was no point in continuing to argue like this, so he looked at Natsume Yang seriously and asked.

 He hoped that Natsume Yang would be fully confident and not just talk nonsense.

"Of course, this is the woman who will be with me for the rest of her life in the future. How dare I do anything random? I don't dare to give her random medicines without a certain degree of certainty!" Xia Muyang turned around and looked at the Third Hokage firmly, full of confidence.

"In that case, then you should try it!" The Third Hokage nodded and allowed Natsume Yang to try.

But obviously, the third generation had not finished what he said, so Danzo, the scapegoat, silently wiped the stainless steel cauldron behind him and said, "Of course, if something happens, you will be solely responsible for it. Don't blame me." The medical ninja didn’t stop you in time!”

“Of course, with so many people watching, I won’t be cheating!”

Natsume Yang responded, of course he also knew what was right.

"Hmph, don't think about it, it will definitely fail in the end. This is simply an insult to our medical ninjutsu!"

The medical ninja spoke again, sarcastically.

“Then please take a look at what a miracle is!”

Xia Muyang gently helped Kanyue Qianxia up, and then poured half a bottle of potion into her. He was afraid that Kantsuki Chinatsu would not be able to bear the dose of one bottle taken at once.


However, something happened that Natsume Yang did not expect. After drinking it, Kanyue Qianxia, ​​who was originally unconscious, suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, which shocked everyone present.

The medical ninja even mocked out loud: "Look, something is wrong. The healing potion is mild in nature and has white bones. In this case, the drug is obviously too strong and has traumatized the patient's internal organs!"

“If I had any way to save him before, now I really have no way at all!”

"Natsume Yang, just because of your recklessness, we in Konoha Village have lost a ninja with excellent medical ninjutsu. Many ninjas will die in the future because of lack of timely treatment. You are simply a sinner of Konoha. The crime deserves death...!"

However, before he could finish speaking, a misty green light suddenly appeared on Guanyue Qianxia's body, and a majestic vitality spurted out, making him suddenly widen his eyes.

"How can this be!"

The words he was brewing in his heart suddenly got stuck in his throat. What happened before him was completely beyond his expectation.

 When Qianxia just watched the moon and vomited blood, it was obviously because the medicine was too strong, but in the blink of an eye, this light with such strong vitality spurted out. Why?

 These are two completely opposite things. Why do they happen to the same person at the same time? What a hell.

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