The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 462: Are you really serious and responsible?

"It's a matter of life and death. Who gave you the right to talk so nonsense? Are you worthy of the clothes you are wearing?" Xia Muyang stared at this person with an unkind tone.

"Hmph, since you said you are so powerful, then you should do it yourself. I want to see how superb your skills are. I think my boyfriend, who is the captain of the medical hospital, must also know some ninjutsu! "

This medical ninja is also full of confidence, looking at Natsume Yodao with his hands and a haughty expression.

“Mr. Natsume Yang, you should calm down a little. It’s not that we are unwilling to treat him, it’s that the captain’s injury is not as simple as it seems!”

“Yes, Sir Natsume Yang, just admit your mistake, the captain’s condition cannot be delayed!”

"He never predicted his illness. He has restored at least fifty severely injured people in his hands. He is one of the only people in our Konoha Medical Hospital who has superb medical ninjutsu!"

  The medical ninja who was watching on the side spoke, but he spoke for this medical ninja. Outside the emergency room, there were also many ninjas watching the excitement.

"If there is really no prejudgment, I naturally don't mind lowering my face and apologizing. However, he is not far away from telling lies now. I have no doubts about his skills, but I have no doubts about his moral character. Have serious doubts!"

If Natsume Yang couldn't completely conclude that Kanyue Qianxia was fine before, then after getting a systematic answer, he could completely conclude.

The system will not lie to him, and the answer given by the system is that it is not serious and can be restored with the Holy Healing Potion.

“Mr. Natsume Yang, what you said is a bit too much. Is our Konoha Medical Center so unbearable in your heart?”

A medical ninja looked at Natsume Yang with a gloomy face and said.

"Oh, too much? If you sincerely consider the patients, I will naturally respect you, but your current behavior makes it difficult for me to respect you!"

Xia Muyang narrowed his eyes and his tone was quite cold.

“Since Sir Natsumeyo doesn’t trust us so much, we can’t help you. Sir Natsumeyo, you can take matters into your own hands. Captain Qianxia will be left to you!”

 “I’ll take my leave!”

 After saying that, the medical ninja rolled up his sleeves and left directly, closing the door heavily, leaving only Natsume Yang and a group of medical ninjas with somewhat ugly faces.

“Natsumeyo-sama, why are you doing this? He is already one of the most skilled people in medical ninjutsu in our medical hospital, and only Captain Chinatsu can beat him in medical ninjutsu!”

“Yes, you are so rude to him, but Captain Chinatsu’s injury still requires his treatment.”

“It makes a world of difference when it comes to treatment. Don’t you want to see Captain Chinatsu wake up?” The medical ninja on the side also spoke to help.

Of course, they had no ill intentions, they just felt that Natsume Yang was going too far and even a little too arrogant.

"Why, do you all think that Qianxia was seriously injured? Are you sure you have checked carefully? Instead of being shocked by this person's authority and letting it go!" Xia Muyang narrowed his eyes and laughed angrily.


 Not to mention, this problem is really difficult for these people.

As newly promoted medical ninja candidates in the medical hospital, how dare they question a senior with superb medical ninjutsu? After all, in Konoha Village, the suppression of qualifications and abilities is really common.

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