The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 460: Who in the world doesn’t know you?

"Brother Natsume Yang, when will you come next time?" Before leaving, Naruto grabbed Natsume Yang's clothes and looked at Natsume Yang with round eyes.

"Don't worry, I'll come when I have time, I won't keep you waiting! Be good, Naruto!"

Natsume Yang gave Naruto a thumbs up, grinning and showing his white teeth.

 “Well, that’s the deal!”

Naruto nodded heavily and waved goodbye to Natsume Yang. After Natsume Yang could no longer see anyone, he reluctantly turned around and closed the door.

The nanny had left, and Naruto was the only one left in the room.

 But today, Naruto will not feel lonely anymore, because he has a big brother, he has relatives, and he is no longer alone.

 He felt his heart was filled with love!

Seven days passed in the blink of an eye. Natsume Yo, who had enough leisure, rejoined the ANBU under the assignment of the Third Hokage and continued to serve as the ANBU captain. Several new faces were also added to his subordinates. They are all teenagers in their teens,

Xia Muyang didn't have much feeling for these subordinates, but several of his subordinates looked at Xia Muyang with admiration, feeling proud to join Xia Muyang's subordinates.

  After all, regardless of Natsume Yo's strength, the ANBU who left under him have now basically become ANBU captains. How can such a promotion speed prevent people from flocking to it?

 After being promoted to the captain of the ANBU, you will have all the status and reputation. What else is there to be dissatisfied with in life?

"I won't talk about what happened before. I think you all know that today is our first mission. You are not familiar with it yet, so today's mission is not difficult. The difficulty level is only B! "

“But next time it will be A. After you are all familiar with it, it will always be S level. The war has just ended, and there are still many places waiting for us to calm down. Without further ado, let’s set off!”

 After saying that, Xia Muyang turned around and walked out. The three of them looked at each other and quickly followed Xia Muyang.

One of them said in his heart: "The captain of the ANBU, Tenshin, whose real name is Natsume Haru, is known as 'Konoha Cold Light' in the ninja world! The Ninja Phantasmal Three Spirits are all-powerful ninjas."

“He participated in the wars in Iwagakure, Kirigakure, and Kumogakure. He led the Konoha team to be invincible and became famous in the ninja world!”

“During the war with Kirigakure Village, he fought against three ninja swordsmen and seven others without falling behind, and single-handedly guided the direction of the war!”

“During the war with Cloud Hidden Village, I fought against the Tailed Beast Jinchuriki many times, defeated the Two-tailed Jinchuriki, and defeated the Eight-tailed Jinchuriki!”

"So far, he has carried out nearly a hundred tasks, large and small, with very few failures. His peers are unmatched. He is the second master in Konoha after the third generation of masters, and he is awe-inspiring to the powerful in all directions!"

 Two days later! Natsume Yang and others returned from their mission.

Xia Muyang turned around and handed over the task. Then, he looked at the three of them and said, "Well done. I'll give you two days to rest and buffer. The difficulty of the next task will be A level!"

 After saying that, he left without giving these people a chance to react.


 But as soon as Natsume Yang came out of the ANBU, he bumped into a girl.

 “It’s okay!”

Xia Muyang stretched out his hand to pull up the girl who fell to the ground, but when he saw her face, he suddenly showed a look of surprise.

 Because he knew the girl in front of him, she was Kanyue Qianxia's companion.

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