The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 454: Waiting for them to fall into the trap

"Haha, when we signed the treaty, I felt that there was something wrong with the eyes of these people, so I was extra careful and set up a small monitor/listener, so I got the news!" Xia Muyang replied with a normal expression. .

 He could be sure that what he heard was true and not that the three people were deceiving him.

"Are you sure this news is true? You have to know that if this news is false, it is equivalent to us actively destroying the cooperative relationship, which will have a very bad impact on Konoha!"

The Third Hokage looked at Natsume Yang condescendingly, his eyes serious, as if he could directly penetrate people's hearts, which was shocking.

"Of course, my intuition and experience as an ANBU tell me that when they said this, they were careful and natural, and they did not say it deliberately to trick me because they found the monitor/listener!"

 Natsume Yang looked into Sandai's eyes without any hesitation, and answered calmly.

"Okay, then I believe you. If it's really what you said, that means that their mission on the surface this time is to sign an agreement and reach a cooperative relationship, but secretly their real mission is to kidnap Hinata Hina. Tian, ​​crack the secret of Byakugan?"

 Sandai immediately thought of the key point and asked the two of them.

 “That should be it!” Nara Shikaku replied after thinking for a while.

“No, their ideas are more comprehensive and crazier. When they took away Hinata Hinata, in order to make the plan more perfect and to prevent being put under pressure by our Konoha, they also prepared a dead soldier.

"When the time comes, we won't be able to escape even if we jump into the Yellow River!" Xia Muyang shook his head, then looked at the two of them with a solemn expression and spoke.


 Hearing this, both the Third Hokage and Nara Shikaku couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

If everything goes according to the plan mentioned by Natsume Yang, the final result of their Konoha Village will definitely be broken into pieces and swallowed!

Even the Third Hokage could not help but feel a chill running down his back, it was so vicious.

"It seems that we still underestimated the Yunyin envoys. We didn't expect them to be so meticulous!"

Nara Shikaku couldn't help wiping the cold sweat on his head. He was indeed a little frightened by the crazy plan of the Kumogakure messenger.

"So, Hokage-sama, I think we should take some necessary measures. The Hyuga clan is very important to Konoha, and we can't just be plotted by Kumogakure!" Natsume Yang reminded the Third Hokage.

 “Say what you think!”

Hearing this, the Third Hokage glanced at Natsume Yang, wanting to hear if he had any plans to deal with this conspiracy.

“I don’t have any ideas. The best way to deal with such a rogue conspiracy is to not give them a chance to implement it!”

“So, if possible, please allow me to go to the headquarters of the Hyuga clan, inform them of this matter, and wait with them for the envoy of Kumogakure to surrender!”

 Natsume Yang spread his hands, what else can be done with such a conspiracy? Kumogakure will definitely not let it go if someone is killed. In this case, then no life will be spared, and they will not be given the opportunity to take Hinata Hinata away.

“Well, this method works, then just do as you say!”

"It doesn't matter if someone loses his or her life when necessary. If Kumogakure wants to seek justice, let them do it. I will shoulder the responsibility. Konoha Village advocates peace, but that doesn't mean that it is weak and can be bullied!"

“Hey, I understand, your instructions gave me a lot of confidence!” After hearing this, Xia Muyang couldn’t help but smile wildly, stood up and walked outside the house.

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