The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 438: I don't believe he wasn't caught

There are many people who have the same or similar medical technology in Konoha as Kanzuki Chinatsu. She is not the only irreplaceable existence. In this case, how can Konoha make a special exception for her.

He never thought that a girl like Kanzuki Chinatsu would get the attention of geniuses like Natsume Yo and Kakashi. After all, not to mention a dazzling existence like Natsume Yo, even Kakashi is beyond the reach of Kantsuki Chinatsu.

How could anyone risk such a not-so-dazzling girl alone for her? Don't want to die? Or is it just a joke?

But how could he have thought of the significance of watching the moon and Qianxia to Natsume Yang?

Although the two people are not a couple, they are better than a couple.

 In Natsume Yang's heart, she is the most important person. The sunshine and cheerfulness of Kantsuki Qianxia deeply attracted Natsume Yang.

"He will definitely come, he will come, definitely!" Guanyue Qianxia whispered but firmly, this was her last bit of obsession.

  Although she was not sure whether Natsume Yang would bring someone to rescue her after learning that she was in danger, this did not prevent her from comforting herself.

 She has been able to survive until now because of this obsession.

"Kuanyue Qianxia, ​​I'm coming right now. Don't die, otherwise, I don't mind letting the entire Yunyin Village be buried with you!"

 Natsume Yang used super powerful teleportation skills and illusions to successfully enter the Yunyin camp by pretending to be an inconspicuous stone at the moment when the guards of Yunyin Village changed defenses.

"The next step is to slowly approach Kantsuki Chinatsu's location!" Natsume Yang has already obtained the specific location of Kantsuki Chinatsu, so the next thing he has to do is to rescue her under the eyes of Raikage. Watching the moon and thousands of summers.

However, Natsume Yang would never have thought that this would be a conspiracy from Mo.

 Others don’t know the relationship between Natsume Yang and Kanyue Qianxia, ​​but Mo knows!

Because Kumogakure suffered defeat at the hands of Natsume Yang too many times, he conducted a detailed investigation of Natsume Yang, and then, he was surprised to find that there was an unusual relationship between Kantsuki Chinatsu and Natsume Yang.

So, he came up with the idea to kill other Konoha ninjas, leaving only Kantsuki Chinatsu alone, and claimed that he did so because he wanted to obtain the medical ninjutsu that Kantsuki Chinatsu had mastered.

He just wanted to try his luck and see if Kantsuki Qianxia, ​​the bait, could catch the big fish Natsume Yang.

Even if Natsume Yang didn't come in the end, it wouldn't be a loss to get the medical ninjutsu in Kanzuki Chinatsu's head. At the same time, he could spread it out, destroy the name of the Third Hokage's kindness, and undermine the morale of Konoha ninjas.

Faced with the idea of ​​killing two birds with one stone, or even three gains, the Fourth Raikage would naturally not reject it.

He agreed with both hands and feet on the matter of getting twice the result with half the effort.

“Natsume Yang, are you coming or not?” The Fourth Raikage looked at the monitor in the camp with expectant expression. The target of surveillance was naturally Kanzuki Chinatsu.

No matter how powerful Natsume Yang is, he cannot take people away out of thin air. Therefore, as long as he enters the Yunyin Camp, he will naturally be exposed.

“I think it’s very likely that it will come. The relationship between Natsume Yang and Kanyue Qianxia is very intriguing!”

“Every time Natsume Yang gets excited, it’s because of this girl, and vice versa!” Mo said confidently from the side.

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