The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 426: Take control of the situation, we won't lose


After another collision, Natsume Yang directly knocked himself out. Seeing this, Kirabi instantly entered the tailed beast state, and then attacked with a tail touch.


Natsume Yang disappeared in front of Kirabi in a blink of an eye, and then appeared behind Kirabi, holding a bright Wind Release Rasengan in his right hand and heading towards Kirabi brazenly.

 “The first eight swords!”

Upon seeing this, Kirabi not only did not dodge, but directly collided with him. The tailed beast's exoskeleton protected Kirabi's head.


With a muffled bang, the powerful force generated by the Fengdun Rasengan suddenly spread, and the ground under Kirabi's feet exploded with several cracks.

However, his tailed beast exoskeleton was completely fine, and despite being bombarded by the powerful Wind Release Rasengan, there was no trace of damage at all.


After holding the Wind Release Rasengan, Kirabi swung his tail again, and eight tails flew out immediately, blasting straight towards Natsume Yang with powerful force, forcing him to retreat immediately.

But the moment Natsume Yang appeared, he suddenly heard a group of cloud ninjas shouting in his ears: "Thunder Escape!"

Xia Muyang couldn't help but change his face, but it was too late to escape, and he fell into the extremely manic thunder and lightning, and his body was invaded.


 In an instant, Natsume Yang felt that all the cells in his body were being pulled, and the pain was excruciating. Moreover, he continued to become numb, and his movements were severely hindered.

"go to hell!"

While your illness is killing you, how could all the Kumo ninjas let go of such a good opportunity? Each one of them was like a demon, with ferocious expressions on their faces as they rushed towards Natsume Yang. They had all kinds of attacks. He came with the idea of ​​killing Natsume Yo.

 However, Natsume Yang is not an ordinary person. Even though his body is paralyzed, he still has not lost his ability to fight.


 Natsume Yang, who was blasted away by a group of cloud ninjas, turned into a stand-in tree with a bang, and then, the real self appeared behind the group of cloud ninjas.

However, before Natsume Yang could launch a counterattack against these Kumo ninjas, Kirabi rushed straight in again, giving Natsume Yang no chance to counterattack.

 “Damn it!”

Natsume Yang had to dodge again, and continued to dodge under the pursuit of the tail touch. The tail touch was chasing closely, giving Natsume Yang no chance to stop.

On the contrary, the group of cloud ninjas who had previously attacked Natsume Yang took advantage of this good opportunity to intensify their attack on Natsume Yang, allowing him to dodge Kirabi's tail touch attack while also avoiding their attacks.

 For a time, Xia Muyang was a little anxious and exhausted, and there were already several wounds on his body.

 “Don’t go too far!”

 Finally, Natsume Yang found a chance to breathe, and disappeared in an instant, which shocked all the cloud ninjas and immediately became alert.

They thought that Natsume Yang would appear behind them and launch an attack. Shining lightning appeared all around them, turning the surroundings into a sea of ​​thunder and lightning.

However, Natsume Yang did not follow the routine this time. He actually appeared above them, and then formed a seal very quickly. After creating a shadow clone, the shadow clone grabbed the main body and threw him towards the cloud ninjas. .

However, just when all the cloud ninjas focused their attention on Natsume Yang, they saw that the fallen shadow clone did not dissipate, but quickly formed a seal.


 Then, the shadow clone was seen directly facing the group of cloud ninjas, continuously spraying out a line of water at extremely high speed, so that the group of cloud ninjas had to dodge immediately.

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