The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 402: How can jinchūriki be that simple?


The Wind Release Rasengan shattered the tail at high speed, and blood and flesh flew everywhere. However, just when Xia Muyang was about to rush in, the tail suddenly broke automatically, causing Xia Muyang's plan to fail.

Natsume Yang immediately stepped back and looked at Kirabi unexpectedly. No, to be precise, he looked at the eight-tailed tentacles that suddenly appeared on Kirabi's body.

“It’s the Eight-Tails after all. It’s really so tyrannical that even the Eight Diagrams Seal can’t do anything about it!” Xia Muyang looked at Kirabi who had entered the tailed beast mode again with a solemn expression, and couldn’t help but tighten the blade in his hand.

Although the current Kirabi is not as strong as Shippuden, the strength of the Eight-Tails is not much worse. In the tailed beast mode, Natsume Yang asked himself that it would be difficult to defeat Kirabi.

The tailed beast mode can be called a bug. It can ignore many ninjutsu attacks. Moreover, it will also give Kirabi super speed and strength, not to mention the ability to release ninjutsu like the Hollow Dog Cannon, which is comparable to natural disasters. , what can Natsume Yang use to fight against it.

 “Yo, Yatsuo, are you okay?”

 The familiar connection came from Kirabi's body again, and he immediately said hello to Eight-Tails.

"Of course, Bi, I am the Eight-Tails. Besides the old man of Six Paths, who else can seal me so easily!"

  The majestic voice of the Eight-Tails sounded in Kirabi's mind, confident and proud.

 “In that case, let’s get on it!”

After confirming that Eight-Tails was fine, Kirabi immediately looked at Natsume Yang again, as sharp as a knife.

 “Now we’re in trouble!”

Natsume Yang's heart suddenly sank. It was not a good thing to be targeted by a Jinchūriki like Kirabi.

 “The first eight swords!”

Hearing this, Kirabi shouted, and then he saw that the tailed beast coat on his body had grown an exoskeleton directly, forming a ferocious skull.

Then, the ground suddenly trembled, and Kirabi turned into an afterimage like light, tearing the air, and rushing towards Natsume Yang with an extremely violent momentum.

"What, is the air restrained?" Natsume Yang was about to use the wind teleportation technique to dodge, but found that the air had become extremely viscous, which slowed him down a lot and made him unable to dodge at all.




Three consecutive sounds sounded at the same time, and Xia Muyang hit the air like a ball, making a majestic neighing sound, like wind and thunder whistling, resounding in all directions.

 There was even a white line of gas visible to the naked eye left in the air, which was extremely terrifying.

 “The Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki is so terrifying!”

The surrounding Konoha ninjas couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. Natsume Yang, who had the advantage a moment ago, actually fell into a disadvantage in an instant.

 “Oh, we must win!”

 “Lord Kirabi is mighty!”


The Konoha ninjas were horrified, and the Kumogakure ninjas were naturally excited and drank wildly. What could be more inspiring than this?

When Kirabi didn't play before, Kumogakure's formation was almost completely beaten by Natsume Haru.

Faced with Natsume Yo's ghostly speed, even the Kumogakure ninja who was good at speed couldn't help but be beaten from head to tail, and suffered heavy losses. Natsume Yo almost pierced the formation directly.

 "Isn't even Natsume Yo the opponent? It is indeed a war weapon, it is really powerful!"

Hinata Hinata glanced at Kirabi in tailed beast mode, and his tone was extremely solemn.

 Chilabi's strength was beyond his expectation. He originally thought Natsume Yang was enough to handle it.

 But now it seems that even Natsume Yang's strength is not enough to deal with it.

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