Looking at this scene, Xia Muyang couldn't help but squint his eyes, a sharp cold light flashed in his eyes, and thought to himself: "Ni Zhantian, let's wait and see what kind of harm will happen to you if you hurt me!"

“The God-Controlling Curse was not planted for you in vain. It doesn’t matter even if I lose all my spiritual power now. As long as you have that thought, the God-Controlling Curse will be activated!”

“This has nothing to do with whether I still have aura or not!”

Natsume Yang originally planted the God-Controlling Curse on Ni Zhantian just in case, one reason was to make Ni Zhantian more honest, and the other reason was just in case!

Even if something happens to him and he falls into the hands of the Wolf God Clan or Ni Zhantian, his life can be guaranteed!

 At the same time, you can also use this to save yourself a lot of torture and have more time to think about ways to escape!

“I just don’t know if Ni Cangxu can break the God-Controlling Curse. If not, maybe this will be a bargaining chip for me that can be used in negotiations!”

Having seen how powerful Ni Cangxu is, Xia Muyang doesn't have absolute confidence in his own God-Controlling Curse now, and Ni Cangxu can't do anything about it!

 If you can’t solve it, that’s the best!

If it is solved, then Natsume Yang should continue to think of other solutions!

“If I could recover a little spiritual energy, the situation might not be so passive!”

With the spiritual energy, Natsume Yang can achieve it if he wants to escape, or if he can continue to spread and deepen the God-Controlling Curse so that he can obtain more favorable conditions!

"Boy, be mentally prepared. If you dare to do this to Lord Ni Zhantian, I will definitely let you know the consequences of doing so!"

“I hope that by then, your mouth will be as hard as iron and you will never beg for mercy, hahaha!”

After Ni Zhantian said this, he put his hands on his back, oh no, one hand on his back, wrapped in spiritual energy, and quickly rushed towards the Wolf God Star!

“In the coming days, I hope you can be more honest, otherwise, I will only make you suffer a little!”

Ni Cangxu glanced at Xia Muyang and said with an indifferent expression, as if Xia Muyang was an artifact that had completely lost its value and was not worth any more effort on his part!

 “How should I spend the next days? What will be waiting for me?”

 Natsume Yang is really a little confused now!

 Although his life has not been smooth sailing all this time, at least in those worlds, he knows the plot, so no matter how chaotic the situation is, he can formulate corresponding countermeasures and get through the difficulties smoothly!

 But now, in this starry sky, he is like an ant that has lost its pointing needle and fell into the sea, completely losing its direction!

"Where to go in the future, this is really a scary and confusing thing!"

With Xia Muyang thinking like this, Ni Cangxu once again grabbed him in the palm of his hand like a piece of cargo and took him away!

 wolf **** star, wolf lair!

  It is said to be a wolf's lair, but this is not a small den, but a huge square, in which there are all kinds of life forms doing hard work!

These life forms have different looks, different heights, and completely different structures. They are like a hodgepodge of life forms, which is dazzling and eye-opening!

 But they still have one thing in common, that is, their hands and feet are shackled and connected by long chains!

 Looks like a slave!

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