The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1736: Let’s practice for a few hundred more years

“That’s not a small tone, let me see if you can take me down!”

Han Daoyi also has a temper, and the clay figure is still angry. Ni Canglan repeatedly said that he can deal with himself casually. Does he really regard Han Daoyi as some kind of passerby?

 He is a Taoist who eats souls, and is famous throughout the entire Yandao starry sky!

Looking at this scene, Xia Muyang couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. It's good that Han Daoyi didn't rebel!

He thought to himself: "We must take advantage of this period of time to recover as much spiritual energy as possible, otherwise, I am afraid I will really have to answer here today!"

Xia Muyang was afraid that something unexpected would happen again, and it would really be beyond his expectation!

At that time, he really couldn’t handle it!




The terrifying confrontation between Han Daoyi and Ni Canglan has spread to an increasingly wider area!

Han Daoyi didn't forget to add a defensive cover to Natsume Yang when he was fighting with Ni Canglan!

 In Natsume Yang's current state, he can't fight against those other members of the Wolf God Clan!

Although those people are not as strong as Ni Canglan, they are still half-step universe walker level geniuses!

 It should not be underestimated!

With Natsume Yang’s current strength, even one of them would be a huge disaster, so don’t say so much!

“Boy, don’t think that just because you have been hiding here for a few years and not come out, everything will be peaceful!”

“When Han Daoyi is defeated, it will be the end of you!”

"Boy, I'm very curious now, how will you be treated by our Wolf God Clan next!"

After these people from the Wolf God Clan tried their best, they found that they couldn't handle the defensive shield at all, so they simply gave up!

They directly surrounded Xia Muyang, waiting for Han Daoyi to be defeated by Ni Canglan, and then they could directly catch Xia Muyang in the jar!

 Seeing these people's plans, Xia Muyang's heart suddenly became heavier!

“It seems like today is really going to be a bit more unlucky, Han Daoyi, you have to hold on a little longer so that I can regain some chance and ability to save my life!”

Natsume Yang took a long breath and mobilized all his strength to recover!

In an instant, spiritual energy from all directions gathered and poured into Natsume Yang's body!

The acupoints all over his body were opened, like black holes, greedy and endlessly devouring spiritual energy!

“This guy actually recovered under our noses like this. He’s so arrogant!”

Seeing this scene, the people of the Wolf God Clan were about to explode. Natsume Yang's actions were simply provoking them crazily!

“Hmph, let him be arrogant for a while. He is going to die soon anyway, so why should we care so much about a dead man!”

 The genius of the Wolf God Clan suddenly snorted coldly, as if he had seen Xia Muyang's subsequent tragic fate!

 While they were talking like this, the battle between Han Daoyi and Ni Canglan had already entered a heated stage!

The two sides are going back and forth, the treasures are shining brightly, terrifying rules and auras are raging, and the entire planet will be shattered by them!

 I don’t know how many people who are hunting for treasure have been affected!

 But basically no one dares to say anything. If you want to ask why, it’s because they can’t afford to offend the Wolf God Clan!

 So, they can only watch this battle going on!

"Han Daoyi, wake up. Even if you want to defeat me, I tell you, you may be able to practice for a few hundred more years!"

Ni Canglan's arrogant roar came from the air!

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