“You are indeed powerful, but...”

 In the midst of such terrifying aftermath, Xiu Yunluo's voice suddenly came out!

 Many geniuses immediately looked around, their own rules blessing their eyes, and they could see through the obstruction of the distorted air.

What I saw was that Xiu Yunluo was covered in blood, and a scarlet **** was torn open on his right arm!

 But his momentum is still strong and he can attack again!

But looking back at Xia Muyang, his whole body was covered in wounds, the arm holding the Ice Emperor Sword was constantly shaking, his chest was collapsed, his face was pale, and his breath was even more depressed. It was obvious that he no longer had much fighting power!

 “Looks like I won in the end!”

Xiu Yunluo restrained his breath, looked at Xia Muyang, who was at the end of his crossbow, and said!

"You are the fifth person after Ni Canglan that I can fight with such joy! I, Xiu Yuntian, recognize you. You are the true son of Xingkong Tianzong. I am looking forward to waiting for you to completely break through the realm of the cosmic walker. How strong must it be!"

“I hope you can give me more surprises next time we fight, so let’s say goodbye. See you next time, and we must continue to have a good time!”

Xiu Yunluo looked at Xia Muyang who was panting and said with admiration!

"Haha, it's the same for me! Do you know that you are the first person of my generation who is stronger than me! This is also the first time in my life that I have lost to someone else in a head-on battle!"

"But this kind of thing will never happen again in the future, and I will not allow him to appear again! Xiu Yunluo, I am looking forward to the next battle between the two of us!"

Xia Muyang panted, raised his head and looked at Xiu Yunluo, and said as if he was swearing!

 “Hahaha, okay then I’ll wait!”

“I am Xiu Yunluo, and I really look forward to someone being able to defeat me! Since I was born, I have never met anyone who can defeat me among my peers!”

“Ni Canglan, Lan Longtian, Xiao Zhanhuang, plus you, your names are worthy of my remembering!”

After saying that, Xiu Yunluo fisted Xia Muyang and said, "See you later." Then he turned into a swift comet and quickly disappeared from Xia Muyang's sight!


Just when Xiu Yunluo left the sight of Xia Muyang and everyone else, he suddenly spit out a large mouthful of blood and said: "This Xia Muyang is really the most talented person among the many people I have fought against!"

“You haven’t reached the level of cosmic walker yet, but you already have strength that exceeds that of most cosmic walkers!”

“This guy’s understanding of the rules is as deep as some old monsters. It’s really terrifying!”

 He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and after recovering for a while, he continued to move forward and explore!

While Xiu Yunluo was sighing with emotion, Xia Muyang also spit out a large mouthful of blood, and his whole body fell directly from the sky. The Ice Emperor Sword came out of his hand and penetrated into the earth!

“After all, they are the Shura clan, and they are called the God of War clan. They are really powerful!”

He gasped and stood up, then looked up at the people around him, a sharp light flashed in his eyes. His Ice Emperor body felt a powerful malice and murderous intention among these people!

He took a closer look and discovered something quite interesting: the source of murderous intent and malice were the same, they were all monks with the characteristics of the Wolf God Clan!

"Could it be said that my imprisonment of Ni Zhantian was exposed? Or is it that the Wolf God Clan who was taught a lesson by me brought people to take revenge?"

“But no matter what, it seems that it’s hard to be kind today!”

Looking at the lineup of those people, Xia Muyang couldn't help but feel a sinking feeling in his heart!

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