The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1725: I advise you to cooperate obediently

"This is the first time, I can let you go. If you dare to do it again, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Xia Muyang outputted the power of the God-Controlling Curse from his palm, and then injected it into the body of this octopus young man!

 Then, he threw the young man out, then glanced at Han Daoyi, who had been watching the excitement, and said, "Let's go!"

Everyone around was watching this scene with a lively expression on their faces, with different expressions on their faces!


It wasn't until Xia Muyang and the two entered the ruins that the octopus young man roared, which immediately caused another round of ridicule!

"Damn it, I won't let you go like this, and I, the bearded God Clan, won't just let it go!"

After being ridiculed by everyone around him, this octopus young man took all the blame on Natsume Yang!

After Natsume Yang and the two entered, the first scene that appeared before them was an extremely open square!

 When Natsume Yang and the others appeared here, many other people also appeared here!

Their eyes were wary of each other, as if others would be detrimental to them!

Xia Muyang didn't have time to engage in such nonsense with these people now, so he and Han Daoyi rushed directly to the steps at the end of the square. Below that, is where the treasure place really is!

There are countless mountains there, and among the mountains, there are countless secrets!

There is where Natsume Yang really wants to go!

Seeing Xia Muyang like this, the people behind him quickly followed suit!

 Afraid that if you fall behind a little, the resources that originally belong to you will be taken away by others!

Suddenly, the whole space was filled with the sound of swishing through the air, and figures kept coming out of the air, flitting through the space!



 Wherever there are treasures, there must be terrifying spiritual beasts guarding them!

No, Xia Muyang and the two had just found a treasure land. A huge long dragon, exuding the aura of a half-step cosmic walker, rushed out and roared towards the two of them!

 “You bastard, get out of here!”

 Xia Muyang didn’t take action before Han Daoyi made a move for a spiritual beast of this level. He slapped the dragon with one palm and flew it away, causing blood to flow!

The dragon was sent flying and he knew that the two of them were not easy to mess with, so he didn't dare to continue to act recklessly and immediately fled to another place!

Xia Muyang, on the other hand, had already taken advantage of this period of time to rush towards the treasure.

While Xia Muyang was picking up treasures, many monks flew past them, and they originally wanted to take the opportunity to rob something.

 However, under the deterrent of Han Daoyi's powerful strength, they gave up this idea!

“Are they just pure cultivation resources? Keep looking. When you have consumed all these resources, you can find a place to gain enlightenment.”

“As long as you can improve any of the rules, you should be able to step into the realm of the cosmic traveler!”

Han Daoyi looked at Xia Muyang and said this!

“Of course, if you are particularly powerful and can understand all four rules and keep up the pace, your strength will reach an unprecedented level! I am afraid it is not difficult to be invincible in all realms!”

Han Daoyi looked at Xia Muyang and said with a little emotion!

"Is that so? Then we have to find a place where we can understand it!"

After Natsume Yang showed a thoughtful expression, he continued to the next place!


 But just when Xia Muyang suddenly passed by someone, that person suddenly made a sound of surprise.

Then, he appeared in front of Xia Muyang in a flash and stopped Xia Muyang!

 “What is your business?”

Being suddenly stopped by someone, Xia Muyang couldn't help but asked in a somewhat unkind tone!

 Han Daoyi behind him looked as if he was ready to attack at any time!

"I feel the aura of a member of my clan from your body. Please accept my investigation and let me see what is going on!"

The person who stopped Xia Muyang was a pale-faced young man. There was a small tuft of hair between his chest, exuding a wild aura!

 “You and I met by chance, why should I listen to you!”

 Natsume Yang directly rejected his idea without thinking about it. What a joke, just let a random person come and accept the examination, and treat him as who he is!

“I advise you, Your Excellency, to cooperate a little. There are not many people in the Wolf God Clan who can refuse the request!”

Hearing this, Xia Muyang refused without thinking. The young man suddenly showed a threatening smile, so unscrupulous and arrogant!

"Wolf God Clan? Is it any wonder they are so confident?"

Xia Muyang couldn't help being surprised when he heard this man announcing his family name, but just when the young man was about to tell you about your identity, he said again: "But I'm sorry, I still reject your request!"

 With that said, he is leaving!

"Little brat, don't give me a toast or eat as a penalty. Do you really want me to invite you to sit with us, the Wolf God Clan, for a while? You don't even want to ask, when have the invitations from the Wolf God Clan been rejected?"

“Those who refuse will have a bad ending. I advise you to think clearly!”

This man's face was already a little gloomy, with a little impatience, and his breath burst out. He was actually at the level of a half-step cosmic walker!

“Are you a threat? Can a group as big as the Wolf God Clan only bully a weak person like me?”

 “I’ve seen your methods today, it’s really disappointing!”

Xia Muyang said with a look of disgust, but the man's face suddenly darkened again!

“You dare to insult our Wolf God Clan, kid, you can’t do it now even if you don’t cooperate, otherwise, you just have to wait for the punishment from our Wolf God Clan!”

"Let me tell you, you only have two choices today. One is to accept my search request obediently! The other is to accept the punishment of our Wolf God Clan! I'm afraid your small body cannot withstand the torture of our Wolf God Clan!"

The man looked at Natsume Yang arrogantly and said, as if Natsume Yang would definitely choose one!

The people around also stopped to watch. After hearing this, someone looked at Xia Muyang with pity, and then advised: "It's better to accept the search request obediently, otherwise, you can bear the punishment from the Wolf God Clan." Sorry!"

"Yes, yes, from ancient times to the present, no one has ever been able to come out of the punishment of the Wolf God Clan unharmed!"

Others also echoed and said, as if they all knew how terrible the punishment of the Wolf God Clan was!

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