The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1723: don't let me know who you are

 From the exit of Xingxuan Road, the place you reach is different every time. Only powerful monks can accurately control their position!

“Asshole, don’t let me know who you are, otherwise, I will definitely let you know why the flowers are so red!”

Xia Muyang said coldly. At this time, Han Daoyi floated over and said: "This is the cruelty of the monk world. Without strength, you may not even be able to control your own destiny!"

"If you really want to take revenge, you should improve your strength now. Otherwise, you may not be able to avenge yourself, but be taught a lesson by others!"

Hearing what Han Daoyi said, Xia Muyang couldn't help but narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "It does make sense!"

 Then, after sorting out his situation, he rushed towards the exit!

 If we wait any longer, another accident might happen!

That is not what Natsume Yang wants to see!


Natsume Yang felt as if he had passed through a thin barrier without any protection.

 Then, he felt his eyes suddenly light up, and a brighter starry sky appeared in front of him!

 In front of him was a planet of various shapes exuding an astonishing aura, with layers of star rings outside, extremely dazzling!

In front of these things, Natsume Yang was as insignificant as the roots of an ant!

“Is this the inner realm of the Yandao Starry Sky? It’s really amazing!”

Seeing this scene in front of him, Xia Muyang couldn't help but let out a countryman's exclamation!

 “Jiejiejie, boy, it’s a new face, come on!”

At this moment, a somewhat joking voice suddenly came from behind Xia Muyang!

"You are…??"

Hearing this, Xia Muyang turned around and saw a few men with rather ferocious faces surrounding him!

 They are actually half-step cosmic walker level monks! Two young people and one middle-aged man!

Upon seeing this, Xia Muyang immediately placed his right hand on the Ice Emperor Sword at his waist, his eyes sharp and cold!

“Boy, if you are sensible, hand over what you have on you as soon as possible, otherwise, the knife in your uncle’s hand will not recognize you!”

“I don’t think it’s easy for you to reach this level of cultivation, but don’t ruin your life because of your confusion!”

“Hand over your cultivation resources and we can spare your life!”

 At this time, the middle-aged man spoke!

“It turned out to be a robbery on the road. What if I say no?”

Xia Muyang glanced at these three people, with a provocative look flashing in his eyes!

“Hmph, I advise you not to seek death. It’s not like we don’t have geniuses at the level of half-step cosmic walkers who die in our hands! One or two of you will be spared!”

Hearing Xia Muyang's words, the middle-aged man's face suddenly darkened and he threatened!

 “Han Daoyi, come on!”

Natsume was too lazy to talk nonsense to these people at night, and directly asked Han Daoyi to come on!

 “As commanded!”

Han Daoyi grinned when he heard this, and then released his momentum.

In an instant, the whole space trembled slightly, and the expressions of these three people suddenly changed, and they exclaimed: "Cosmic Walker!!"

Then, without even thinking, they ran away!

 The gap between a cosmic walker and a half-step cosmic walker is really too big, and they cannot fight against it!

 “Now that you’re here, why run away!”

Seeing this, Xia Muyang said coldly, "Space movement!"

 Every space within sight was moving. Feeling the fluctuations of this space movement, the three people were instantly shocked and exclaimed: "The Law of Space!!"

They didn’t expect that their luck would be so good, and they would directly meet the owner of the Space Law!

This is too scary!

 “Great Destroying Heavenly Palm!”

Seeing this, Han Daoyi was certainly not idle. In conjunction with Xia Muyang's spatial movement, he wrapped a palm with terrifying power and swatted at the three of them!


The three of them had absolutely no way to escape. Their bodies almost collapsed, and they vomited blood and flew far away into the starry sky!


Han Daoyi was sucked into the void again, and he caught these three people and controlled them!

 Then, he looked at Xia Muyang and said, "Master Xia Muyang, I'll leave it to you!"

“Now, I will give you two choices, hand over your cultivation resources, or die in my hands!”

Xia Muyang put his sword on the necks of these three people and asked proudly!

 “We hand over our resources, don’t kill us!”

 “We hand over our resources, please don’t kill us!”

Of course these three people could not hesitate at all and directly choose to hand over their cultivation resources to save their own lives!

 The cultivation resources are gone, you can still plunder them!

 But if your life is gone, you really have nothing at all!

 This is something that these three people can still distinguish!

 “You know what’s going on!”

Hearing the answers of these three people, Natsume Yang couldn't help but laugh!

This smile made these three people shiver!

 This smile is really the scariest smile they have ever seen!

 “It’s none of your business here, get out of here!”

After obtaining the training resources of these people, Xia Muyang waved to these three people, indicating that they could leave!

 “Yes, yes, thank you, sir!”

 The three of them immediately ran away as if they had been granted amnesty!

But after they left a certain distance, they suddenly became ferocious and said: "Remember, kid, one day, I will make you regret doing this to us today!"

 After saying that, he will completely disappear into the starry sky!

"Since you still want to seek revenge from me, there is nothing we can do about it. I will leave you alone!"

Hearing these words, Xia Muyang suddenly sighed, and then said softly: "Time stops!"


Natsume Yang exerted all his power, and the entire starry sky trembled for an instant, and then everything stopped temporarily!

"How can it be!"

 Feeling what was happening to themselves and the others, the three of them could not help but turn pale with fright, but they were completely unable to break free!


But Xia Muyang's body was suddenly torn apart. He couldn't help being shocked and quickly said to Han Daoyi: "Go, I can't hold on for long..."


 After receiving Xia Muyang's order, Han Daoyi rushed out quickly without any hesitation!

 “Great Destroying Heavenly Palm!”

Han Daoyi immediately bullied the few people who were close to him, raised his palm and attacked!

This time, he showed no mercy. With one palm strike, all three of them were instantly destroyed!

  He completely disappeared from this world before he even had time to utter any unnecessary screams!


Natsume Yang immediately canceled the time stop, but still suddenly vomited out a large mouthful of blood!

The power of rules inside the Yandao Starry Sky is much stronger than outside!

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