The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1720: Xiao Tongtong wants to teach you a lesson

“You didn’t ask, so I just assumed you knew it. Who knew you didn’t know this? Seeing how hard you fought, I thought you already had a perfect plan!”

“Didn’t you tell me, don’t talk nonsense when you shouldn’t!”

Han Daoyi felt a little aggrieved.

It would be fine if he was a little girl, but he is a bad old man, and it looks weird no matter how you look at him!

 “Hmph, you’re playing tricks on me, right?”

Xia Muyang snorted coldly when he heard this. He didn't do any nonsense at all and directly activated the God Control Curse.


Han Daoyi immediately held his head and screamed, fell directly into the starry sky, begging for mercy: "I don't dare anymore, let me go, I will never dare again in the future, I will definitely be more obedient."

 “Ah! Let me go, I won’t dare even if I’m not here!”

Han Daoyi never expected that Xia Muyang would change his face as soon as he changed his mind, and he immediately begged for mercy.

He knew that if he didn’t beg for mercy at this time, an even more terrifying punishment would be waiting for him later!

“Humph, I don’t dare anymore. I think you won’t change your mind, so it would be better to teach you a lesson!”

Xia Muyang snorted coldly and had no intention of letting Han Daoyi go!

"You are...procrastinating here now. Do you...have to wait for those...people from the Wolf God Clan to come back? By then, things...will become...even more troublesome. You will be...completely targeted by the Wolf God Clan! It’s better to take advantage of the moment to escape from the scene and fly away!!"

Han Daoyi saw that begging for mercy was useless, so he quickly changed his target!

Sure enough, when he mentioned this, Xia Muyang immediately stopped punishing him, snorted coldly and said: "At least you have finally hit on an idea. I will let you go today. Remember the punishment first, and you will be punished if you make mistakes in the future." And punish!”

“I hope that day will not come, otherwise, your end will be tragic. I hope you are mentally prepared!”

 After saying that, Xia Muyang grabbed the unconscious Ni Zhantian, stepped through the void, and left here quickly!

Han Daoyi saw this and hurriedly followed him! He doesn’t want to be targeted by the Wolf God Clan!

Just ten minutes after Xia Muyang left, the few people from the Wolf God Clan who came with Ni Zhantian appeared again, still holding the little girl in their hands!

While struggling, the little girl shouted and threatened: "Let me go quickly, otherwise, when my brother comes, you will be dead!"

“Humph, let you go? Do you think it’s possible? We’ve been keeping an eye on you for more than a month, and now we finally caught you!”

“Your blood is of great benefit to the cultivation of our Wolf God Clan. Do you think we will let you go?”

“Hmph, I advise you to be honest and act as our medicine cauldron, otherwise, don’t force us to kill you! The choice we, the Wolf God Clan, pursue is to kill whatever we can’t control!”

 The man from the Wolf God Clan on the left threatened in a threatening manner!

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu don’t you dare to threaten me? Xiao Tongtong is so cute, but you actually want to kill her. It is so abominable. My brother will definitely not let you go!"

Who knows, not only did the little girl not shut her mouth, but she cried even louder. The little girl's voice instantly sounded throughout the starry sky!

“Where is Brother Ni Zhantian? There is still such a violent atmosphere in the starry sky, but why are others missing?”

The man on the right said with a puzzled look, and then he continued: "And, I don't know why, from just now, I had an ominous premonition that something happened to Brother Ni Zhantian!"

Hearing this, the man on the left suddenly answered: "Do you feel this way too??"

His tone was full of surprise!

 “Yes, don’t you have it too? No headwind!”

At this moment, hearing his words, the person on the right named Nifeng Wu couldn't help but be shocked!

“Yes, I’ve felt this way since I got close to here. I thought it was my imagination at first, but I didn’t expect you to feel this way too, Nifeng Wu!” said the man on the left named Nifeng Wu.

"Could it be that Brother Ni Zhantian..." The two looked at each other and said in disbelief, "Something really happened?"

 Perceiving danger and sharing danger, this is the innate ability of their wolf **** clan!

If one person feels this way, it can be said to be an illusion, but if two people come together, it is definitely a reality!

"This...could it be said that that guy can threaten Brother Ni Zhantian's life?" Nifeng Wu said in disbelief.

He didn’t want to believe that Xia Muyang, a person he didn’t take seriously at all, could threaten Ni Zhantian, who he considered to be nearly invincible or even perfect!

"No matter what, go check it out quickly. If something happens, the patriarch will not let us go!"

 After saying that, Nifeng Wu rushed out. Seeing this, Nifeng Wu immediately followed him!

  However, they had just walked a short distance away when they were suddenly forced to stop!

 Because an extremely powerful oppression came, making them feel like they were about to be crushed!


Hunting Fengwu shouted loudly, and there was unspeakable panic in his voice!

"Who is it? They arrested my sister, and you still want to walk away like this?"

 A voice that seemed to come from the edge of the starry sky sounded like thunder, shaking the entire starry sky.

 Nifeng Wu and Nifeng Wu spurted out a large mouthful of blood. Their bodies were torn with ferocious gashes, and they were so shocked that they stepped back again and again!

This made the two people feel horrified. They were half-cosmic walker level people, but now they were injured like this by a sound. How terrifying was that person?

“Second brother, you are finally here, wuwuwu, little Tongtong was almost killed by them, you must seek justice for me!”

The little girl who called herself Xiao Tongtong and was caught by Nifeng Wuqen suddenly shouted with joy!

 “Second brother?? Could it be...!!”

Hearing this little Tongtong's voice, Nifeng Wu and Wu couldn't help but look at each other, full of shock!

 Then, I saw a young man wearing burlap clothes, his hair just pulled up by a wooden stick, coming barefoot from the starry sky in the distance!

He looked to be only in his twenties, but the aura on his body made the starry sky rumble and tremble. The starry sky was actually terrified!

Furthermore, his steps looked extremely clear, but upon closer inspection, they were extremely illusory, as if one step could travel through space.

In just two steps, he arrived in front of the two of them. Then, he stretched out his hand and held the little Tongtong in his hand!

“Xiao Tongtong, if you run around again, you must be caught by others now! If I hadn’t arrived in time today, you might have been caught and eaten by others!”

The young man scratched little Tongtong's nose hard and said dotingly, "teaching"!

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