The violent energy cannon that he saw blasted away through the air at high speed, causing Mo Lin to dodge again.

 But some of them couldn't be avoided at all, and they hit Mo Lin's "weak spot" completely, leaving him with no choice but to hit him head-on!

 But only by actual collision will you understand how powerful this energy cannon, which seems to be no more than the size of a millstone, is!

Even Mo Lin must go all out to fight against it and blast it away!

Just one of them was already so hard for him, let alone so many of them!

Not to mention that these energy cannons cooperated quite well under the control of Xia Muyang. Mo Lin was really at a disadvantage all of a sudden, and the pressure doubled!

Looking at Mo Lin's dodges at a disadvantage, and then looking at Natsume Yangfeng's calm and calm expression, in comparison, the verdict is clear!

"With such little strength, I dare to say that he is the strongest at the same level. I really expected it in vain!"

Natsume Yang suddenly spoke, and the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped, and a terrifying force erupted!

Xia Muyang looked at it and pointed his finger at the sky, and then, countless ice swords appeared in the sky in an instant!

 “The Ice Emperor’s Three Thousand Worlds!”

Xia Muyang whispered, and then, the terrifying ice sword in the sky was fully aimed at Mo Lin, and fell down at the speed of light!

Like a super heavy rain, the terrifying atmosphere made the entire sky tremble.

There were sharp fluctuations that tore apart the air and pressed against the earth, forcing geniuses like Zhang Junyao and the others to retreat!

  With the slightest sluggishness, all the clothes on your body will be torn!

Even tiny wounds appeared directly on his face, which was extremely horrifying!

“Damn it, don’t think this will solve me!”

Facing the rain of swords falling down, he didn't give him any chance to breathe.

Mo Lin also became fierce, and all his energy and blood burst out, turning into supreme fighting power and heading towards each other!

 “Boom, boom, boom!”

The entire area around the Luoxian Sect was enveloped in a rumbling sound that kept coming!

"Puff puff!"

 But among the rumbling explosions, there are also sounds of continuous tearing!

It was seen that Mo Lin had more and more scars on his body, and his movements were actually getting slower and slower.

Moreover, according to normal circumstances, such wounds should have recovered long ago!

 But the real situation now is that his injuries are constantly expanding!

  There is no feeling of recovery at all!

 “Damn it!!”

Mo Lin felt that it was becoming more and more difficult to deal with it. The power of this ice sword was so powerful that it was almost reaching Mo Lin's limit!

But the most terrifying thing about the ice sword is not its power. Suddenly, the terrifying cold power on the ice sword, as well as its indestructible sharpness!

With his powerful body, he is completely unable to defend himself!

 He just felt that his body was becoming less and less responsive and stiff!

Every time an ice sword is broken, the stiff feeling becomes stronger!

"Are you already unable to resist at this level? Mo Lin, I thought you were called a genius just how powerful you are, but it turns out it's nothing more than that!"

Xia Muyang's voice suddenly came, but he saw that the ice sword had completely disappeared, and Xia Muyang had already gotten close to Mo Lin and punched out!

“Asshole, do you want to hit me with this kind of fist?”

Xia Muyang's punch seemed to Mo Lin to be extremely slow. He could have easily punched it multiple times!

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