Hearing these words, the two of them were silent again. The female monk spoke first and said: "Master Xia Muyang, my name is Hui Yuelan. Just be embarrassed if you lose face. This is how it happened!"

  After she pondered again for a while, she finally said: "They were very normal at first. They were quite polite to me during the teaching process and kept a normal distance!"

“So, I slowly started to relax my vigilance!”

 “But, all this changed half a month ago!”

“He, the chief disciple of Feilong Pavilion, Du Lu, drugged me who had already relaxed my vigilance towards him! Then, he defiled me!”

At this point, Hui Yuelan began to sob, and her emotions began to get a little excited: "After he defiled me, he also used a shadow stone to record the entire process to threaten me!"

"He threatened me. If I dared to reveal this matter, he would make that video public and ruin my reputation and leave me with no place to stand!"

“Under his threat, I gave in! Wow, oh, oh, but I didn’t expect that he actually got worse!”

“In the following days, not only did he take action against me many times, but all my resources were also blackmailed by him!”

“To this day, he actually brought other people to bully me! At that moment, I knew that patience will only make him get more aggressive, and not resisting will only make him think you are easy to bully!”

“So, I resisted, and then everything happened as enforcer Du Qiuyue said!”

After Hui Yuelan finished speaking, her nails dug directly into her palms, and blood flowed out!

 She was crying so hard that she was so helpless!

Looking at Hui Yuelan, Xia Muyang sighed, and then said: "Fortunately, you didn't let me down to the end. You also know that if you don't resist, he will bully you even more!"

“Alas, do you all think that I am just a decoration? Does the leader of Guanyue Qianxia’s clan think that I am a decoration?”

"As long as they are still within the scope of Luoxian Sect, as long as they have any excessive behavior, you can tell us and we will seek justice for you!"

"Of course, it's too late to tell you this now, but everyone else, please remember that you are my Natsume Yang's people, and no one can bully you! Do you understand?"

Xia Muyang looked at the crowd of disciples from the Luo Xian Sect and said!


 All the female monks around him responded excitedly!

 But Mo Lin, Zhang Junyao and the others felt a chill coming inexplicably!

"Tell me, Du Lu, what else do you have to say! Is everything what Hui Yuelan said?"

 “You don’t have to try to lie to me, I can tell if you are lying!”

“Of course, if you insist on telling a lie, it doesn’t matter. The worst you can do is get an additional penalty!”

Xia Muyang's words made Du Lu, who was already kneeling on the ground in fear, suddenly become even more frightened!

“Also, please hand over the shadow carving stone. Did you not copy it? If it is copied and spread, I will personally come to your clan to ask for an explanation, and..."

 Speaking of this, Xia Muyang's tone suddenly became extremely cold, and a terrifying murderous intention appeared around him, "Capture and kill with your own hands!"

 All the geniuses present could not help but shudder when they heard these words!

Xia Muyang continued: "It seems that my previous handling method was too tolerant, leaving you still lucky! Okay, then I will satisfy you!"

"All geniuses will undergo a moral assessment starting from today. All those who fail will be expelled from Luo Xian Sect on that day! And, they will never be allowed to enter Luo Xian Sect until they pass the assessment!"

“Starting from this case, a case of intentional infringement has been filed, and the crime of intentional infringement has been established. The penalty is: to have an eternal tattoo of ‘intrusion’ on the face, and to set an evil fire seal, and to be flogged for one hundred times!”

Xia Muyang’s words were even more murderous than before! Mo Lin, Zhang Junyao and the others couldn't help but shudder!

“Du Lu, come on, tell me your defense! I hope Zhang Junyao and the others will not be implicated because of you!”

Xia Muyang looked at Du Lu and said with a cold smile on his lips!

Looking at Xia Muyang's smile, Du Lu couldn't help but shuddered again, his heart felt cold!

 He wanted to say something, but his mouth kept trembling and he couldn't say anything at all!

"Why, you're so scared that you can't even speak? If that's the case, then so be it, let's decide the verdict!"

“Tomorrow, I think you will be able to see your dear boss!”

“I hope you will be as courageous as ever and have the courage and strategy to invade Hui Yuelan!”

 After saying that, Xia Muyang stood up and left!

 “No…it’s not like that, things…actually…are like this!”

Seeing this, Du Lu finally struggled to say something!

"Oh, it's not like that. Okay, then tell me what it is like! Listen, if Hui Yuelan is lying, I won't be partial!"

Xia Muyang sat down again, looked at Du Lu, and said!

"Yes, I did drug him and violated her! However, the several sexual encounters that followed were all of her own free will!"

"The price is that I help her understand the Xiaoyao Sutra, and I didn't use the shadow stone to record the threat!"

“On the contrary, she was the one who recorded all this and used it as a threat! I should be the one who really can’t bear it!”

 Du Lu said with an innocent expression!

“Oh, that’s interesting. You said it was her problem, and she said it was your problem. So, whose problem is it?”

Xia Muyang’s eyes instantly became playful. Not only him, but the eyes of everyone around him also became playful!

 Things seem to be starting to get interesting!

"Hui Yuelan, what's your opinion?" Hearing this, Xia Muyang looked at Hui Yuelan again, his eyes becoming quite dangerous!

“Sect Master, you have to believe me, everything I say is true! He is lying to you! Don’t be fooled by his kind face!”

“He is actually a guy with a human face and an animal heart. If you don’t believe it, just investigate my memory!”

“It’s impossible for my memory to be fake. Besides, Natsume Yang, you can definitely tell at a glance whether the memory is fake or not!”

 Seeing Xia Muyang's eyes looking at him became dangerous, he suddenly became anxious and said quickly!

“What about you, Du Lu, do you need to argue? Or, do you also choose to search for memories?”

Xia Muyang looked at Du Lu again and said!

“Then let’s search for memories. I have a clear conscience, behave properly, sit upright, and am not afraid of searching for memories!”

"But I believe that with Natsume Yang-sama's ability, he will definitely give me justice!"

Du Lu looked at Xia Muyang and said fearlessly, with extremely firm eyes!

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