Let’s not talk about the impact a public verdict will have on their reputation!

 As far as the cycle is concerned, it will definitely be very long!

 Things will continue to ferment by then. The reputation they have worked so hard to build over the years is really going to be destroyed in one fell swoop!

 At that time, it was not something that could be eliminated by spending resources!

“Forget it, let’s do it! I’ll take the loss!”

 The sect leader on the left also sighed, instantly feeling as if he had aged more than ten years, extremely frustrated!

A large part of the reason why these two people accepted their fate is because of Natsume Yang's tyrannical and immeasurable strength!

 They are not sure what the consequences will be if they choose to fight Natsume Yang to the end!

 Spent money and eliminated disaster! That’s what they’re thinking!

“Do I... really have to accept this unequal treaty?”

Wu Qing couldn't help but feel shaken in his heart when he looked at the two sect leaders who accepted their fate!

 The solution Natsume Yang mentioned seems to be the best solution for them!

 However, he was unwilling to be led by Natsume Yang and had no way to take the initiative on this matter by himself!

 This feeling of being manipulated made him very unhappy!

Wu Qing looked up at the sky. The sky was so blue. It should have been a very good weather!

 But at this moment, he just wants to say, why is life so hopeless!

 He struggled, he was angry, he was unwilling...

 In the end, he had no choice but to give in!

 There is no way, the reality does not give him any room to resist!

 “That’s it, just accept the fate, I will suffer this loss!”

Wu Qing let out a long sigh, staggered and almost fell to the ground!

 The sect leader, who had refused to compensate from the beginning, looked very calm when he saw this scene!

 He can only say that there is too little teaching! So much so that something like this happened!

  He accepted Natsume Yang’s method of handling it!

Moreover, Wu Qing and the others never discussed it with him from beginning to end, as if they had already determined that he would accept Natsume Yang's conditions!

“Haha, you have made a very wise choice. Now that you have made your choice, let’s start trading!”

At this moment, Natsume Yang suddenly appeared again, with his hands in his sleeves and a harmless smile!

Looking at Xia Muyang who appeared in front of them again, Wu Qing and others couldn't help but feel a twinge of pain!

Natsume Yang never shows mercy when he takes action!

“Since the attitudes of the several sect leaders are good, I don’t need more. Fifty thousand spiritual crystals each will be enough!”

“And Your Excellency Wu Qing, although he died because of an attempted invasion and went crazy, but he died in our Luoxian Sect after all, so let’s deduct 30,000 yuan!”

"How about it? If the patriarchs don't have any objections, just put your fingerprints on this receipt, and you can take it back!"

Xia Muyang moved his eyes slightly, and several floating receipts appeared in front of Wu Qing and the others in the form of spiritual energy!

 “Okay, we accept it!”

Wu Qing and the others can only break their teeth and swallow it!

Who let Xia Muyang occupy the word "reason"!

They each pressed their fingerprints. At the moment they had just finished pressing their fingerprints, Kanyue Qianxia came over carrying several scarred people!

 “I’ll leave it to you!”

 Xia Muyang and Kanyue Qianxia looked at each other and signaled that she could let him go!

Upon seeing this, Kanyue Qianxia immediately injected a spiritual energy into the bodies of three of them, and then, these people slowly woke up!

 Then, they all saw their respective sect masters, and they all suddenly became happy!

"Sect Master, you have to make the decision for us. Xia Muyang is bullying people too much. Look, he used lynching on us and beat us so badly!"

“We are so unjust, he is so overbearing, we are going to hold a conference of the Immortal Cultivation Alliance to denounce Natsume Yang, and we must not let him continue to be arrogant!”

“Yes, we must denounce Natsume Yang and we cannot let him continue to be arrogant!”

When the others heard this, they all immediately agreed!

They all hid behind their respective sect masters, looking at Xia Muyang with a proud look on their faces, and they were extremely angry, as if Xia Muyang was going to be in trouble soon!

“Natsume Yang, regret it. You dared to deal with us like that. Didn’t you just flirt with a stinky cousin?”

“The demons can play with that woman and make her belly fat, so why can’t we? Are we inferior to just the demons?”

“Yes, he’s just a broken shoe, just teasing me, what’s so big, he dares to do that to us!”

 Another young prodigy also echoed, looking extremely arrogant, as if he had forgotten the painful memories of being beaten and howling a few days ago!

"That's right, what's so great about it, why should I protect them? They are just..."

 A genius wanted to continue shouting, but before he could finish speaking, he received a heavy slap on the face!

 “Sect Master, you...!”

The genius looked at his leader in disbelief and asked in astonishment!

 “Crack! Pah!”

But the answer was two hard slaps, even their teeth were knocked out!

 Their heads were dizzy and stars were shooting out of their eyes. They had not reacted at all, but their faces were already swollen!



At this moment, two more slaps in the face came.

The two geniuses they met also looked at their sect leader in disbelief, not understanding what was happening at all!

  "You don't think it's embarrassing for you, but we still want shame! Come back with me quickly. If you dare to make any noise again, I'll destroy you!"

The three sect leaders said with extremely sinister expressions, but the words they said made these geniuses shiver!

 They all looked at their sect master and couldn't help but swallowed at the same time!

 They seemed to realize that the situation was different from what they imagined.

 It seems that Natsume Yang had already dealt with their respective sect masters before this, and reached some agreements with them that they didn't know about!

They want to take this opportunity to show pity and let Xia Muyang be complained and get revenge. It seems that the possibility is not great!

 “Everyone, it’s easy to leave, please send someone over for resources some other time!”

Xia Muyang looked at Wu Qing and the others with a smile, as if he was seeing off guests!

"let's go!"

Wu Qing and others took a deep look at Xia Muyang, and then, like dragging dogs, they dragged these geniuses away without giving them any chance to resist!

 “Let’s go, the matter is settled!”

Looking at the departing sect masters, Xia Muyang clapped his hands, hugged Kanyue Qianxia, ​​and returned to the main hall together!

Just after Xia Muyang and the others left, Du Qiuyue, who was belatedly arrived, finally arrived!

She looked at the empty square with a confused look on her face!

"What the **** is this situation? Isn't it about compensation? Where are the people!"

Du Qiuyue looked at it with a puzzled face, wondering why Xia Muyang and the other sect leaders were all gone!

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