The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1685: Naturally, I want to extort a lot of money.

“They are angry, and I am angry too! How dare their disciples bully our female monks from the Luo Xian Sect? We are so impatient!”

Hearing this, Guanyue Qianxia nodded and said: "That's true. If you don't show them any color, do you really think that our female monks from the Luo Xian Sect are all made of clay and can be bullied by them at will?"

Without letting Natsume Yang and the others wait long, the masters of the imprisoned geniuses arrived!

"Your Excellency Natsume Yang, why did you call us here at this moment to..."

 After receiving the notice from Xia Muyang, these sect leaders could not help but be a little surprised. Then, without any hesitation, they came directly to Luo Xian Sect!

"Du Qiuyue, tell them what happened specifically. After listening, you guys will follow me to another place!"

Natsume Yang glanced at them and said!

Seeing Xia Muyang's expression, these people couldn't help but feel a thump in their hearts!

"Did they break the rules in Luoxian Sect? If that's the case, we don't need to take our face into consideration. We will punish them if they deserve it!"

 A sect leader asked tentatively!

 “Haha, let’s talk about it after listening to Du Qiuyue’s words!”

Xia Muyang smiled after hearing this and did not explain anything. He still said the same thing!

Hearing these words, these sect leaders became even more uneasy!

"What happened? Natsume Yang's face looks a little off!"

The sect leader who spoke out just now said this in his heart!

“Dear sect masters, in the past two days in our Luo Xian Sect, something happened related to the disciples of your sect!”

“It also involves people from our Luoxian Sect, and the impact is very bad. I hope you won’t be too excited after hearing this!”

Du Qiuyue spoke, and after attracting the attention of these sect leaders, she continued: "This is how the whole thing happened!"

Du Qiuyue began to tell the whole story slowly!

The faces of these sect leaders were tense at first!

 But when they heard that all these people had been arrested by Xia Zhiqing, and had been punished, and one of them was dead, they couldn't calm down!

“Your Excellency Natsume Yang, isn’t it a little bad to handle it this way?”

The leader of the sect whose genius died looked at Xia Muyang and asked!

"What's wrong? Do you have any questions, Master Wu Qing!"

Xia Muyang glanced at him after hearing this and asked calmly!

“A disciple of my sect died in your Luoxian Sect, do you want to give me an explanation?”

The leader of the sect whose disciples died was originally named Wu Qing. His cultivation level was at the eighth level and seventh level of the Sky Realm, and he was already quite powerful!

“Hehe, tell me, whatever compensation you want, I’ll pay it to you!”

 Wu Qing couldn't help but be a little surprised after hearing Xia Muyang's words!

 In his impression, Natsume Yang doesn’t seem to be so easy to talk to!

“Such an important genius needs at least 100,000 spiritual crystals, hundreds of thousands of bottles of spiritual elixirs, and several books of spiritual skills in the Firmament Realm to make it work!”

Seeing that Xia Muyang was so talkative, Wu Qing thought he felt guilty for being so talkative, so he was not polite and just opened his mouth like a lion!

 “Haha, that’s a little too much, Your Excellency Wu Qing!”

Xia Muyang laughed after hearing this, but just when Wu Qing was about to say something else, Xia Muyang suddenly said: "But, it's not a problem!"

 Now, Wu Qing was surprised!

  Since when did Natsume Yang become so easy to talk to!

Then, he didn’t care anymore. Anyway, there were so many resources to take, and he could make a lot of money!

 “What about you, don’t you also want compensation?”

Xia Muyang looked at the other sect leaders and said with a smile!



 Immediately, two sect leaders opened their mouths and nodded in response!

It's rare for Xia Muyang to be so generous, how can he be worthy of himself if he doesn't blackmail him well!

 But the last one did not speak!

Everyone couldn't help but look at him. Xia Muyang also looked at him and asked: "What's your answer? Is it also about compensation?"

I don’t know why, but when Natsume Yang looked at him like this, he felt a terrible sense of crisis!

He was one of the sects belonging to Xia Muyang during the original demon war, and he drank a lot of soup with Xia Muyang!

 So, he knows Natsume Yang’s temper very well!

Every time he smiles like this, someone is always going to be in trouble!

 The brighter his smile, the more unlucky people will be and the more miserable they will be!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help gritting his teeth and said: "Thank you, Sir Xia Muyang, for disciplining the disciples. When this matter is over, I will discipline him strictly and won't let him do anything outrageous again!"

 He bets that his understanding of Natsume Yang is correct!

“Haha, interesting, since you said so, then I will reluctantly agree!”

"After this event is over, you must discipline your disciples well, otherwise, the punishment will not be such a simple one next time!"

Xia Muyang smiled, but opened his eyes. Seeing Xia Muyang's action, the sect leader couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief!

 He knows that he made the right bet!

 Natsume Yang's expression appears exactly after he plots against others, because the person being plotted knows the current affairs!

“I will fully pay the compensation to the three of you! Du Qiuyue, go and pick up things from the Treasure Pavilion as requested by the sect masters!”

Xia Muyang said to Du Qiuyue who had a puzzled expression behind him!

 “But, sect leader, they are…”

Du Qiuyue was very unwilling and even looked at the three sect masters with anger on her face and expressed her thoughts.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Xia Zhiqing, "Go and do as I ordered!"

What he said was very unquestionable. The indifferent look in his eyes made Du Qiuyue shudder!

She knew that if she disobeyed Xia Muyang's orders again, Xia Muyang would have a problem with her!

 So, she retreated!

Seeing Xia Muyang's appearance, the three sects suddenly looked proud!

They looked at the last person who refused to pay compensation, and said with a hint of sarcasm: "What a pity, we just missed out on a large amount of resources. With this resource, there is nothing we can't do!"

Hearing this, Xia Muyang smiled and said, "I think the sect leaders have made a mistake on something!"

"Such abundant resources are enough to create two more such geniuses! This has completely exceeded their own value!"

"So, this is their resource for selling themselves. If you take the resource, their personal freedom is in my hands!"

“So, if you take resources from me, they will become members of my Luoxian Sect, and their disposition has nothing to do with you!”

Xia Muyang glanced at the sect master who had a smile on his face and said Shi Shiran!

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