Upon hearing this, King Ma said: "Your greatest advantage is that you like to be humble! I didn't think I could kill you back then!"

“With your ability to control space and time, you are beyond the scope of our eight kings to kill, even if your original strength was much lower than ours!”

Horse King doesn’t lie at all, he just tells the truth!

"Natsume Yang must come to you for advice when he has time. Now that you are so powerful, hey, you can just give me a good fight!"

Who else can say such a thing except the ape king Bambina!

"Haha, it depends on my time! Just in time, I will have another good fight with you each!"

Xia Muyang smiled and glanced at the eight kings present. They only felt a chill on their backs!

"It looks like there will be a good battle! Xia Muyang, you have to let me do this this time. You are not allowed to be harsh on others, do you understand?"

The Queen Mother Snake looked at Xia Muyang with a coquettish look, and Xia Muyang felt a chill on her back!

There is no other way. Kanyue Qianxia’s eyes are as sharp as two long knives. Xia Muyang feels that his soul is cold!

 “Hahaha, definitely, I will pay attention!”

Xia Muyang could only chuckle, and then he straightened his expression and said: "Well, everyone, it's a pleasure to cooperate. From today on, you will be the deacons of my Luo Xian Sect!"

“Your responsibility is to help fight when foreign enemies invade. At other times, it doesn’t matter how you act! It doesn’t matter!”

Xia Zhiqing knew that he could not control the eight kings, so he wanted to use various regulations to control the idle eight. Xia Muyang felt that he did not have that much face!

“It’s better that you understand us and know how to get along with us! In this case, I, the king, will go!”

The one who spoke was the Dragon King. He was the most handsome, and at the same time, he was also the tallest!

“Hey, this Baoling Continent is pretty good, let me see how many interesting things there are!”

 The ape king Bambina is gone for the second time!

 Then, the other kings also left, except the Whale King who stayed where he was!

Xia Muyang couldn't help but look over curiously. The Whale King smiled and said, "As I get older, I no longer have any interest in going out and wandering!"

“I’d better stay here in Luoxian Sect and spend the rest of my life peacefully!”

 As expected of the King of Whales, he is different and the way he does things is also very King of Whales!

Natsume Yang nodded, he respects the eight kings' choice!

 The Whale King slowly disappeared in front of Natsume Yang. This was his spatial ability!

 Obviously, he made another breakthrough during the catastrophe just now!

After the Eight Kings left, Granny Voodoo and Taoist Mo Xu also appeared in front of Xia Zhiqing.

They looked at Xia Zhiqing and had a lot to say, but they just didn’t know where to start!

 So, each of their faces looks very complicated, even weird!

They didn’t speak, and Natsume Yang didn’t want to speak either. He just looked at them like this!

Xia Muyang probably knows what these people want to say, so even Xia Muyang knows what they want to say without saying anything!

“Your Majesty Xia Muyang, what a great trick! We have recruited eight such powerful experts in the Firmament Realm so quickly!”

“It seems that Your Excellency Xia Muyang’s Luo Xian Sect will take off soon!”

A strange color flashed in Taoist Moxu's eyes, saying!

 If you look carefully, you will find that there is jealousy, unwillingness, and envy in his eyes!

“Haha, you two have given me the award, it’s just that I paid a little more attention and discovered some ancient relics!”

“Every sect is just jealous. If you are envious, search carefully if you can. I believe you will definitely gain something!”

Natsume Yang knew what they were thinking as soon as he looked at their eyes, and said with a smile!

  "Yes, it seems that Your Excellency Natsume Yang is really attentive!"

“We all know all the strong people in the Firmament Realm in the entire continent, but you suddenly found eight strong people above the sixth level of the Firmament Realm. I admire you!”

At this time, a somewhat unfriendly voice came over, and Qingfengzi was seen coming like an immortal in the clouds and mist!

His eyes are full of unkindness, jealousy, and even a trace of resentment and calculation!

“Haha, maybe I am really lucky. Otherwise, how could our Luo Xian Sect have so many strong men all of a sudden!”

To the rude Qingfengzi, Natsume Yang couldn't say he was too polite!

“Your Excellency Xia Muyang is so eager to strengthen Luo Xian Sect, surely he has some agenda!”

Qingfengzi’s eyes were full of scrutiny, just like an adult looking at a child who is planning to do bad things!

 Looking at Kantsuki Qianxia was very uncomfortable!

“It’s as if we have engaged in some illegal business. Your Excellency Qingfengzi, you must be careful with what you say and don’t act recklessly!”

Xia Muyang would not give him a good tone when it comes to Qingfengzi's scrutiny!

 The other sect leaders just watched the two of them strangle each other without stopping them at all!

“I propose that the Immortal Cultivation Alliance should monitor the Luoxian Sect and be aware of every step of its development!”

“Otherwise, with the speed of development of Luo Xian Sect, it will soon become the absolute overlord of the mainland!”

“At that time, the situation of our nine sect masters, and even the sect masters of the entire continent, will become quite embarrassing!”

Qingfengzi’s words almost didn’t say that Xia Muyang wanted to dominate Baoling Continent!

 “This…!” Not to mention, this suggestion suddenly reached the hearts of some of the sect leaders present!

Xia Muyang controls the strength, is also the master of Jie Lingyun, and is also a first-class force that has developed so fast in the Luo Xian Sect!

Just thinking about it gives me chills down my spine...

"Haha, that's ridiculous! Qingfengzi, why didn't you develop such a narrow-minded mind before?"

Kantsuki Qianxia suddenly spoke. She looked at Qingfengzi with an indifferent expression. Her eyes contained contempt and disdain, which made Qingfengzi feel like she was being looked down upon!

"Miss Kanyue Qianxia, ​​you must be careful with what you say. Such slander of a first-class sect leader may lead to war if you are not careful!" Qing Fengzi threatened.

Originally, if Xia Muyang hadn't lured the Eight Kings here, he might not have been so excited!

However, if Natsume Yang can find one Eight Kings to come over today, can he also find a group of such strong men to come over tomorrow?

 In that case, within a few months, there will no longer be anyone or forces in the world who can resist Natsume Yang!

 Natsume Yang will completely become the uncrowned king of this world!

“Hmph, if Xia Muyang wants to rule the Baoling Continent, does he still need to go to such trouble?”

"If he has this intention, just suppress it with force!"

"It's not that I look down on anyone, in front of Xia Muyang, you are just scum!"

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