Xia Muyang read for a long time, but Du Qiuyue became more relaxed the more she listened, and the more she listened, the more smiles she had on her face!

"It seems that I have been worrying too much. Let me just say, how could Sir Natsume Yang do such a stupid thing!"

 "I dare to say that Sir Xia Muyang has been prepared for a long time! With the rules you just made, Xia Muyang, we people will have peace of mind!" Du Qiuyue looked relieved!

“Hey, now, I’m afraid we’ll squeeze all the value out of these exchanges. It seems like we’ve earned it in the end!”

 Another female monk said with a smile!

 “Now that you know the standards, let’s prepare!”

  Looking at these female monks, Xia Muyang said with a smile!

 “Yes, Mr. Deacon!”

Du Qiuyue and others breathed a sigh of relief and retreated!

“Next, let’s wait for the good show to begin! Hey, I’m looking forward to the performance of the geniuses from each sect!”

Xia Muyang looked at Du Qiuyue and his group leaving with a look of amusement on his lips!

“You, you are such a grown-up person and you are already dominated by one party, why do you still like to play pranks and be so childish!”

Kan Yue Qianxia looked at Natsume Yang and couldn't help but smile helplessly!

 “Isn’t this a normal thing? Men never grow up!”

Xia Muyang shrugged and said!

 “Hey, Chinatsu, we are in this world, how about another one!”

 “Let us also see, what are the qualifications of our descendants?”

 Xia Muyang suddenly looked at Kanyue Qianxia with a wicked smile on his face, which made Kanyue Qianxia couldn't help but step back slightly!

"Are you serious when you back off? Don't you want to see the qualifications of our descendants!"

Seeing Kanyue Qianxia retreating back, Xia Muyang couldn't help but said helplessly!

“It’s not you who gave birth to me, so of course it’s easy for you! How could you know the difficulties and pain of freaks!”

 Kantsuki Qianxia couldn't help but roll her eyes at Xia Muyang, with a look on her face like "Xia Muyang can stand and talk without pain in her back"!

 “I am speechless, how about forgetting it?”

Natsume Yang really couldn’t refute it for a while, so he tried to say it!

 “Oh, that’s what I said, actually, I also have this idea!”

 Looking at Natsume Yang's appearance, Kanyue Qianxia suddenly became a little anxious and said with a blush!

 “Hehe, I know, I was just joking!”

Seeing that Kanyue Qianxia was anxious, Xia Muyang immediately scratched Kanyue Qianxia's nose and said with a joking look on his face!

 “You bad guy, how dare you scare me, ah ah ah!”

Kuanyue Qianxia immediately came out with Jiuyin White Bone Claw, and beat Xia Muyang to the point where he abandoned his troops and armor!


 Time is passing slowly!

 In Luo Xian Sect, monks break through every day, and they continue to make breakthroughs with the accumulation of resources!

 On the martial arts stage, people are sparring every day and making progress with each other!

Looking at this scene, Xia Muyang breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Now it seems that the internal atmosphere of Luo Xian Sect is pretty good, but I don't know what it will be like in a thousand years!"

Hearing this, Guanyue Qianxia also sighed and said, "Yes, I wonder what our Luo Xian Sect will look like in a thousand years!"

“Wherever there is light, darkness will definitely grow. This is an eternal truth. I just don’t know how many years it will take for this darkness to grow!”

 There is no eternal power, and there is no eternal peaceful atmosphere!

 Wherever there are people, there will be rivers and lakes and fights!

“I hope they, those who have been severely traumatized in their hearts, won’t struggle so ugly!” Natsume Yang said like a prophet!

"Let's think in a better direction. Besides, we can't stay on this road for so long!"

 Kanyue Qianxia hugged Natsume Yang from behind and said!

"That's right. Let me see how much our descendants can achieve!"

“Let’s go out for a walk. This Baoling Continent is so big and unprecedented. There are so many beautiful scenery waiting for us!”

 The war has just ended. Because of the war, I had not been able to appreciate the beautiful scenery of Baoling Continent!


 Kanyue Qianxia nodded, naturally she would not refuse the scenery!

 The world is so big, but food and scenery are the only things you can’t live up to!

 The two of them left behind a shadow clone each and then left quietly!

  Baoling Continent, Xia Muyang was busy with wars and expelling demons, so he didn’t fully understand it!

 Now that he had time, he took some time to fully understand it!

 Baoling Continent mainly absorbs spiritual energy for cultivation. In this world, there are tens of billions of lives surviving!

  But among them, the number of monks is only one thousandth!

 The number of spiritual beasts only accounts for one percent!

 The rest are all ordinary civilians!

 The entire continent is ruled by various large and small sects!

 All sects are divided into three levels: first, second, and third!

 First-class sect: There is a firmament realm monk sitting in charge!

 Second-class sect: There is a Haori realm monk sitting in charge!

 Third-level sect: There is a Silver Moon Realm monk sitting in charge!

Each sect has a certain area of ​​jurisdiction. Every year, monks will select cultivators in their respective territories and explain the art of cultivation!

And those with cultivation talents and qualifications in the corresponding sect territory will basically choose to join the sect that governs them!

After all, it would be difficult for those with no cultivation qualifications to travel across mountains and rivers and successfully cross the territory of the spirit beasts and reach the sect they want to go to without the **** of a cultivation sect!

And in places where humans cannot rule, or are not allowed to rule, or are unwilling to rule, it is the wilderness, which is the territory of spiritual beasts!

 As for ordinary civilians, they exist either in the form of a village or in the form of a family!

Of course, not all monks will choose the sect. There are also some monks who will defect after becoming successful in cultivation, or they will voluntarily quit the sect and become casual cultivators!

Rogue cultivators can be evil forces on the evil side, or they can be the head of a certain family, or they can exist in other ways!

 In short, Baoling Continent is wonderful!

Now, Natsume Yang and Kanyue Qianxia have transformed into a young couple and come to Dongzhou!

 Dongzhou, there are two biggest forces here!

 The Taoist sect that Qian Leizi is in charge of!

 Fengling Pavilion, where Taoist Moxu is in charge!

As for Xia Muyang and the other two, the place where they are located is ruled by a second-class sect, the Tianxing Sect!

The sect master is a monk at the seventh level of Haori Realm, and his strength is quite good. Therefore, the disciples of Tianxing Sect are basically quite arrogant!

Xia Muyang and the two naturally didn’t take this Tianxing Sect seriously!

 After all, as the Luo Xian Sect is a transcendent existence among first-class sects, does it need to be afraid of the Tianxing Sect?

“It’s so interesting. Is this the world of cultivation? It’s completely different from the captive world of delicious food!”

Chanzuki Qianxia is like an elf, enjoying this atmosphere very much!

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